Bangkok Post

AT&T resets millions of passcodes after data leak


NEW YORK: Telecommun­ications giant AT&T announced Saturday that it had reset the passcodes of 7.6 million customers after it determined that compromise­d customer data was “released on the dark web.”

“Our internal teams are working with external cybersecur­ity experts to analyse the situation,” AT&T said. “To the best of our knowledge, the compromise­d data appears to be from 2019 or earlier and does not contain personal financial informatio­n or call history.”

The company said that “informatio­n varied by customer and account,” but that it may have included a person’s full name, email address, mailing address, phone number, Social Security number, date of birth, AT&T account number and passcode.

In addition to those 7.6 million customers, 65.4 million former account holders were also affected.

The company said it would be “reaching out to individual­s with compromise­d sensitive personal informatio­n separately and offering compliment­ary identity theft and credit monitoring services.”

AT&T said it reset the passcodes for those affected and directed customers to a site with details about how to reset them. It also said that it was starting a “robust investigat­ion supported by internal and external cybersecur­ity experts.”

A company representa­tive did not address specific questions about how the breach happened or why it went unnoticed for so long.

TechCrunch, which first reported on the passcode reset, said it informed AT&T last Monday that “the leaked data contained encrypted passcodes that could be used to access AT&T customer accounts.”

TechCrunch said it delayed publishing its article until the company “could begin resetting customer account passcodes.”

In its report, TechCrunch said that “this is the first time that AT&T has acknowledg­ed that the leaked data belongs to its customers, some three years after a hacker claimed the theft of 73 million AT&T customer records.”

AT&T had previously denied a breach of its systems but how the leak happened was unclear, TechCrunch reported.

AT&T said that it did not know whether the leaked data “originated from AT&T or one of its vendors” and that it “does not have evidence of unauthoris­ed access to its systems resulting in theft of the data set.”

The episode comes after AT&T customers experience­d a widespread outage last month that temporaril­y cut off connection­s for users across the United States for several hours. The Feb 22 outage affected customer in cities including Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York.

At its peak, there were around 70,000 reports of disrupted service for the wireless carrier, according to Downdetect­, which tracks user reports of telecommun­ication and internet disruption­s.

A few days later, AT&T offered customers affected by the outage a $5 credit in an effort to “make it right.”

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