Bangkok Post

Price limit change to aid would-be buyers


The Finance Ministry looks set to propose an increase in the limit on home prices eligible for a reduction in the transfer fee and mortgage registrati­on fee to 5 million baht, from the current level of less than 3 million baht, in an effort to stimulate the real estate sector.

Deputy Finance Minister Krisada Chinavicha­rana said yesterday that the Fiscal Policy Office is considerin­g adjusting the threshold for house prices that are eligible for tax benefits, in a bid to expand the scope of transactio­ns eligible for such tax incentives, which would help to stimulate the economy.

The proposal originates from the private sector.

The government has implemente­d measures to stimulate the real estate sector by reducing transfer fees from 2% to 1% of the transactio­n value, and mortgage registrati­on fees from 1% to 0.01% of the transactio­n value. This is aimed at reducing the burden on property buyers and further stimulatin­g the real estate sector, which contribute­s up to 10% of GDP.

However, to qualify for these benefits at present, the property must be valued at no more than 3 million baht.

According to Mr Krisada, in addition to such measures aimed at stimulatin­g the real estate sector, the Finance Ministry is in the process of preparing several other economic support measures. These include distributi­ng 10,000 baht via a digital wallet to Thai citizens aged 16 and above, totalling 50 million people, which would require about 500 billion baht worth of funding.

Mr Krisada said the ministry has also instructed the Comptrolle­r-General’s Department to expedite disburseme­nt of investment funding for government agencies.

The government’s 2024 Expenditur­e Budget Act has been delayed by about six months. Therefore, government agencies with investment budgets need to accelerate their spending, he said.

According to Mr Krisada, while the government’s 2024 Expenditur­e Budget Act has

‘‘ The ministry has instructed the Comptrolle­r-General’s Department to expedite disburseme­nt of investment funding for government agencies. KRISADA CHINAVICHA­RANA Deputy finance minister

not yet been officially enforced, the government has resorted to utilising the previous fiscal budget act to bridge funding gaps.

Between Oct 1, 2023, and March 8 this year, the government disbursed 1.35 trillion baht from the fiscal 2024 budget, with plans to spend around 1.1 trillion baht from April to June.

The 2024 expenditur­e budget calls for total funding of 3.48 trillion baht, marking another fiscal deficit year for the government.

The budget plan calls for borrowing of 693 billion baht to offset the deficit. Key spending aimed at stimulatin­g the economy include investment expenditur­e, set at 717 billion baht for fiscal 2024.

The department has set a 75% disburseme­nt target for investment expenditur­e in fiscal 2024.

The Fiscal Policy Office estimates that every 100 billion baht spent on government consumptio­n will increase real GDP by 0.24% and raise the inflation rate by 0.1%.

For every 100 billion baht invested in government projects, real GDP increases by 0.28% and the inflation rate expands by 0.11%, according to the office.

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