Bangkok Post

Strike severs power line to nuclear plant


KYIV: A Russian strike yesterday severed one of two power lines supplying Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in southeast Ukraine as Moscow launched a major assault on energy infrastruc­ture.

“The enemy is now carrying out the largest attack on the Ukrainian energy industry in recent times,” Energy Minister German Galushchen­ko said on Facebook, adding that shelling had knocked out “one of the power transmissi­on lines feeding” the Zaporizhzh­ia power plant.

The facility, Europe’s largest nuclear energy site, was seized by Russian troops in the first days of the war but is powered by Ukrainian lines.

“This situation is extremely dangerous and risks sparking an emergency situation,” said Ukraine’s atomic energy operator Energoatom.

In the event that the final power line is cut, it said the plant will be “on the verge of another blackout, which is a serious violation of the conditions of safe operation of the plant”.

Since the beginning of the war, the Zaporizhzh­ia power plant has suffered multiple blackouts, falling back on emergency diesel generators and safety systems.

“In case of their failure, a threat of a nuclear and radiation accident will emerge,” said Energoatom.

According to Zaporizhzh­ia’s governor, 12 Russian missiles hit the region early yesterday, destroying several houses and injuring an unknown number of people.

“According to initial reports, seven houses were destroyed, 35 were damaged,” Ivan Fedorov wrote on Telegram, adding that people had been injured.

Petro Andryushch­enko, an adviser to the Ukrainian mayor of the city of Mariupol, under Russian control since 2022, said on Telegram that a Russian missile had hit a trolley in the Dnipro hydroelect­ric station, also in Zaporizhzh­ia, killing civilians travelling on it.

Oleksandr Symchyshyn, mayor of the western city of Khmelnytsk­yi, described “a horrible morning” with damage to infrastruc­ture and residentia­l buildings.

“There are victims and casualties among civilians,” he wrote on Telegram.

Energy facilities were targeted by Russian missile, drone, and artillery strikes in multiple cities across Ukraine yesterday, including Kharkiv, Zaporizhzh­ia, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsk­yi and Kryvyi Rig.

“The goal is not just to damage, but to try again, like last year, to cause a largescale failure of the country’s energy system,” said German energy minister Galushchen­ko.

 ?? AFP REUTERS ?? A worker welds inside a concrete dugout built as part of a system of new fortificat­ions in Zaporizhzh­ia region, Ukraine, on March 11.
AFP REUTERS A worker welds inside a concrete dugout built as part of a system of new fortificat­ions in Zaporizhzh­ia region, Ukraine, on March 11.

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