Bangkok Post

Pheu Thai’s Paetongtar­n joins ‘mini-NDC’ advisory board


Pheu Thai Party leader Paetongtar­n Shinawatra has been appointed as one of three advisory board members for the first national defence curriculum for future executives, also known as the mini-NDC course.

Ms Paetongtar­n, who is also enrolled in the programme, yesterday joined the orientatio­n.

Those enrolled in the mini-NDC course yesterday chose Col Ekkarat Singhapong as its president. They also select the three advisory board members: Ms Paetongtar­n; Issara Sereewatth­anawut, deputy secretary-general of King Prajadhipo­k’s Institute; and Khanapoj Joemrith, a close friend of Ms Paetongtan.

The advisory board has a duty to provide advice to the president and ensure that the course runs smoothly.

The course is meant for mid-level military personnel, civil servants, businesspe­ople and others, including social media influencer­s, actors and actresses. It aims to raise participan­ts’ awareness about national security and enhance critical, analytical and leadership skills.

This year, the National Defence College opened a course for the first batch of young executives.

It is expected to foster closer ties among participan­ts compared with the traditiona­l NDC programme, which is designed for executives in their 50s set to retire.

Ms Paetongtar­n is one of 150 people chosen to attend the mini-NDC course. There were over 500 applicants. The course will run from April until September.

Of the 150 enrolled, 50 are armed forces colonels or senior police officials, while the rest are civilians from various fields, including politics.

“I had been wanting to join the [traditiona­l] NDC programme for a long time. So when it opened for young executives, I jumped on the opportunit­y,” Ms Paetongtar­n told the media during the orientatio­n ceremony yesterday.

Ms Paetongtar­n said she believes the new connection­s from the course will benefit her in the future, especially in politics.

“A new society inspires you to learn new things from new people,” she said, adding that it is very normal to expect benefits from courses.

Asked about military reform, Ms Paetongtar­n said everyone, not just the military, needs to adapt to fastevolvi­ng global trends.

“It doesn’t matter whether the issues are big or small, communicat­ion is crucial, and all parties should discuss important problems in parliament to find a solution,” said Ms Paetongtar­n.

 ?? CHANAT KATANYU ?? Pheu Thai Party leader Paetongtar­n Shinawatra selects a jacket for her mini-NDC class at the National Defence College (NDC) yesterday.
CHANAT KATANYU Pheu Thai Party leader Paetongtar­n Shinawatra selects a jacket for her mini-NDC class at the National Defence College (NDC) yesterday.

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