Bangkok Post




1 Begs (6) 7 Price (8)

8 Economic (4) 10 Flatfish (6)

11 Death (6)

14 Permit (3)

16 Wild (5)

17 Notified (4)

19 Refute (5)

21 Student (5) 22 Stinking (5)

23 Make beer (4)

26 Unit of gold purity (5) 28 Ocean (3)

29 Planet (6)

30 Native American (6) 31 Not early (4)

32 Wait patiently (3,5) 33 Heavily decorated (6)


1 Marionette (6) 2 United (6)

3 Savant (4)

4 Melodious (7)

5 Long-snouted mammal (5)

6 Gem (5)

8 Drop (4)

9 Perform (3) 12 Encountere­d (3) 13 Ointment (5) 15 Lukewarm (5) 18 Academy Award (5) 19 Groove (3)

20 Offer (3)

21 Flower (7) 22 Supporter (3) 23 Defeated (6) 24 Speed contest (4) 25 Noisy breathing (6) 26 Blaspheme (5) 27 Irritable (5) 28 Health resort (3) 30 Male voice (4)


1 Father of a cowboy? (6)

7 Attention given to a musical compositio­n on the phone (8)

8 It has four legs, but goes on one foot (4) 10 Was unable to pass on what one had learned (6) 11 Objected to an early start in changing the guard (6)

14 Arrange to eat


vegetarian (3)

16 Peevish about England’s

cricket performanc­e? (5) 17 The ship had cast off (4) 19 Old Nick wouldn’t stand

for one! (5)

21 Stuff found in an

aquiline nose (5)

22 Take a ride to get

thoroughly dried out (5) 23 Put your foot in the

WPB (4)

26 A horse, as in an

instance of backing? (5) 28 Dog with a curious

head? (3)

29 King who was hardhearte­d when badly hurt? (6)

30 When a girl embraces a

youth, there’s trouble (6) 31 The type to appreciate an elaboratel­y ornate tray? (4)

32 Bell ringers’ bloomers?


33 Start a fire, of a sort,

for the French (6)


1 Vessels to credit with being potentiall­y fast?


2 When pawed, Maud went about half a mile! (6)

3 Just what you want when heartlessl­y nettled! (4)

4 Ancient skill in bridge

(7) 5 Like Aphrodite, she has

a heavenly body (5) 6 Too thin and weak to

help in the garden? (5) 8 It’s within me to be as

a tiny child (4)

9 Some green, fertile

area (3) 12 Informatio­n with a

degree of urgency (3) 13 Study of Chopin, say?


15 Dance, possibly

whacked (5)

18 Hang around near Brighton, at the railhead (5)

19 Teacher is wrong on a third of basic subjects (3)

20 Chap hunted by a

barbarian? (3)

21 Form of service arranged for the guilty around mid-afternoon (7) 22 A quiet sort of blonde?


23 His lady is sweet and

has taste (6)

24 A receptacle to sing

about, wandering? (4) 25 At church, note, a reformed spy is just a human soul (6)

26 For this group, it’s cold

in the bath! (5)

27 It’s bound to have maps


28 One polished with

endless care? (3) 30 Many call for cover (4)

 ?? ??

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