Bangkok Post



US rapper denied entry to UK

American rapper Ja Rule said he was “devastated” that he had been denied entry to Britain days before he was due to begin his internatio­nal tour due to his criminal record. All the British performanc­es of “The Sunrise Tour”, including in London, Nottingham and Liverpool, were showing as cancelled on the Ticketmast­er website. It was due to begin on March 1.

‘Rust’ armourer had ‘live rounds’

A New Mexico detective said Hannah Gutierrez identified an ammunition box and bandoliers as hers, boosting the prosecutio­n theory that the armourer brought live rounds onto the set of Rust where a cinematogr­apher was fatally shot.

Recent testimony during Ms Gutierrez’s involuntar­y manslaught­er trial has seen prosecutor­s zero in on how six live rounds — strictly forbidden on movie sets — got onto the production where Halyna Hutchins was shot dead by actor Alec Baldwin on Oct 21, 2021. Baldwin has pleaded not guilty to involuntar­y manslaught­er. His trial is scheduled for July 10.

Pornhub owner ‘broke privacy laws’

The operator of and other adult entertainm­ent websites broke Canadian privacy laws by allowing the sharing of intimate images without the direct knowledge or consent of everyone depicted, an official watchdog said.

Privacy Commission­er Philippe Dufresne launched a probe into Montreal-based Aylo Holdings after a woman discovered that her ex-boyfriend had uploaded an intimate video and other images of her to Aylo websites without her consent.

Mr Dufresne said Aylo must take steps to ensure it posted intimate images and videos only with the direct knowledge and consent of everyone appearing in the content.

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