Bangkok Post

Asia factories struggle as China and Japan falter


Asia’s major manufactur­ing economies struggled to claw their way out of decline in February with Japan particular­ly squeezed by a steeper fall in demand while an uneven recovery in China overshadow­ed some signs of improvemen­t elsewhere in the region.

A raft of business surveys released yesterday highlighte­d a patchy performanc­e across Asia, with Japan’s manufactur­ing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) showing factory activity falling at the fastest pace in more than three years.

There were more mixed signals out of China with the government’s official PMI showing factory activity continuing to fall, in contrast to a slight pick up seen in the private-sector Caixin PMI.

“February PMI data indicated another month of deteriorat­ing operating conditions in the Japanese manufactur­ing sector,” said Usamah Bhatti at S&P Global Market Intelligen­ce.

“Depressed demand in domestic and internatio­nal markets continued to weigh on sector performanc­e, as both production and new orders fell at the strongest rate for a year.”

Worryingly, recent data suggests the weakness seen in Japan in the second half of last year has extended into the first quarter of 2024, complicati­ng the Bank of Japan’s task as it looks to exit ultra-easy monetary policy.

Japan unexpected­ly slipped into recession in the fourth quarter and lost its title as the world’s third-largest economy to Germany as consumer and business spending weakened.

Its PMI followed official Japanese data this week that showed factory output falling at the fastest pace since May 2020, weighed by a downturn in motor vehicle production.

China’s patchy performanc­e comes amid signs the world’s second-largest economy is tentativel­y finding its footing after a deep slump caused by a property sector crisis.

Investors are looking ahead to China’s annual meeting of parliament next week where policymake­rs will face pressure to do more to get the economy back on track. Elsewhere in Asia, semiconduc­tor powerhouse Taiwan also saw factory activity decline at a somewhat sharper pace.

But there were some signs that conditions were continuing to improve in other parts of the region.

South Korean export growth exceeded market forecasts in February, expanding for a fifth successive month as a surge in semiconduc­tor demand made up for a decline in vehicle sales.

India’s PMI showed manufactur­ing activity expanded at its fastest pace in five months, led by accelerate­d global demand and lower inflationa­ry pressures.

That followed data on Thursday that showed India’s economy grew at its fastest pace in one-and-half years in the final three months of 2023, led by strong manufactur­ing and constructi­on activity.

Elsewhere, Southeast Asia’s key factory economies mostly saw growth, with PMIs in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippine­s all pointing to expansion in activity, although Malaysian and Thai PMIs both showed continued activity declines.

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