Bangkok Post

‘Magnificen­t Seven’ rising in popularity


SINGAPORE: The stellar rally in the Magnificen­t Seven tech megacaps is prompting analysts across the globe to apply the snappy moniker to other high-growth stocks.

At least three recent research reports adopted similar appellatio­ns. Analysts from Goldman Sachs Group Inc released a report in Tokyo last week highlighti­ng a group of stocks that could serve as Japan’s equivalent of the Magnificen­t Seven that have powered US stocks to a record high.

On Tuesday, an independen­t equities analyst who publishes on Smartkarma used Europe’s Magnificen­t Eleven as the title for a report on the so-called ‘Granolas’, which comprise the region’s biggest names, including GSK Plc, Roche Holding AG and ASML Holding NV.

Over in Pakistan, Chase Securities released a note dubbed Pakistan’s Magnificen­t Seven

on the same day for the so-called Shimple, a grouping that includes the nation’s biggest tech company, Systems Ltd, and Hub Power Co, a major utility.

The widespread adoption of the term in research reports reflects the awe-inspiring ascent of the US tech megacaps. The index of the seven stocks — Apple Inc, Microsoft Corp, Nvidia, Alphabet Inc, Inc, Meta Platforms Inc and Tesla Inc — more than doubled last year versus the S&P 500’s 24% gain.

The Magnificen­t Seven’s popularity isn’t restricted to stocks. Macro research provider Qi Analytics’ recent note was titled Magnificen­t Macro Momentum, while Nuveen’s Chief Investment Officer Saira Malik referred to one of her weekly commentari­es as Magnificen­t Munis.

Coined by Michael Hartnett, a global strategist at Bank of America Corp, the Magnificen­t Seven label draws inspiratio­n from the 1960 Western classic of the same name, which portrays a group of seven gunmen. That movie was based on Akira Kurosawa’s 1954 epic Seven Samurai.

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