Bangkok Post

FTI chairman race heats up


The competitio­n for the chairman post of Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) has intensifie­d as vice-chairman Somphote Ahunai, chief executive of Energy Absolute, a renewable energy and electric vehicle developer, announced his candidacy at the group with more than 15,000 members nationwide.

Incumbent chairman Kriengkrai Thiennukul, whose term expires in April, is expected to prefer staying on for a second term.

Under FTI regulation­s, members elected as chairman can stay in the position for two terms, each of which last two years.

During a press conference, Mr Somphote did not clarify why he is refusing to wait for Mr Kriengkrai to serve out a second term before applying for the post, which is normal practice.

The election for FTI chairman is scheduled for March 25 to the end of April.

“To become the 17th chairman of the FTI would follow my ideology to serve the nation,” said Mr Somphote.

Thailand has faced many economic problems over the past six years and the country needs appropriat­e solutions through closer collaborat­ion between the state and private sectors, he said.

Among those problems are high household and public debt. Last year, Thai household debt exceeded 90% of the nation’s GDP, while public debt was at 61% of GDP.

If the debt issues are not solved, it will be a factor that erodes the domestic economy, said Mr Somphote.

Two issues he said he wants to address are the country’s huge surplus of electricit­y generation capacity in reserve, which incurs more costs in the power sector, leading to expensive power bills, as well as the impact of dumping cheap steel from China into Thailand, which affects local steel manufactur­ers.

“Applying for FTI chairman gives me an opportunit­y to propose new ideas that may become more impactful,” said Mr Somphote.

In a separate interview with the Bangkok Post, he said some FTI members encouraged him to apply for the post, but he declined to name them.

Working as FTI chairman would not limit his role to the renewable power sector, as he has to work with and support various industries across the federation, said Mr Somphote.

“I will coordinate with all groups, seek cooperativ­e solutions and tell the government the FTI’s views,” he said.

 ?? PORNPROM SATRABHAYA ?? Mr Somphote says the role would give him an opportunit­y to propose impactful new ideas.
PORNPROM SATRABHAYA Mr Somphote says the role would give him an opportunit­y to propose impactful new ideas.

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