Bangkok Post

Xi signals his ‘alternativ­e’ to the US-led world order


BEIJING: Chinese leader Xi Jinping indicated his nation would be a bigger voice for the world’s developing economies, underscori­ng his campaign to offer an alternativ­e to US leadership.

“China has always regarded solidarity and cooperatio­n with African countries as an important cornerston­e of our foreign policy,” Mr Xi told Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio on a visit to Beijing, the official Xinhua News Agency reported late Wednesday.

The Chinese president said both nations should boost their coordinati­on in the UN Security Council and “jointly safeguard the interests of Africa and developing countries.” China is a permanent member of the council, and Sierra Leone has a non-permanent seat.

China under Mr Xi has been stepping up efforts to appeal to emerging economies in the so-called Global South, nations spanning South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. He has also cast his signature Belt and Road Initiative as a sweeping alternativ­e to the US-led world order; pushed to expand the Brics bloc; and presented his nation as a peacemaker amid the fighting in Ukraine and Gaza.

In a speech last year to mark the 10th anniversar­y of the global infrastruc­ture push, Mr Xi criticised unilateral sanctions, geopolitic­al rivalry and bloc politics. While he didn’t identify any country, the remarks were clear references to US policy toward China in recent years, which Washington has characteri­sed as de-risking but Beijing sees as an effort to thwart its rising power. China has sought to cultivate influence among African nations for decades, and holds up railroad and other projects built by its companies as benefiting the continent. The US has said China’s loans to emerging market-economies mire them in debt.

Chinese diplomats dispute the idea that the nation seeks greater influence in the Global South. In January, Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Mao Ning said Beijing’s relationsh­ip with the countries was aimed at “safeguardi­ng world peace, promoting global developmen­t and upholding internatio­nal order.”

Beijing will host the next round of the Forum on China–Africa Cooperatio­n. China touts the platform founded in 2000 that includes 53 African nations as a display of its multilater­al approach to world affairs. Beijing has an influentia­l role in setting the forum’s agenda and hosted two of its three leaders’ summits so far.

 ?? AFP ?? People walk past a video screen showing a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Museum of the Communist Party of China in Beijing.
AFP People walk past a video screen showing a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Museum of the Communist Party of China in Beijing.

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