Bangkok Post

Take a trip to the Galapagos Islands with &Beyond

- — Pattarawad­ee Saengmanee

If visiting the Galapagos Islands is on your bucket list, here’s some good news. With the launch of &Beyond Galapagos Explorer programme, &Beyond is broadening its base to South America by providing two, seven-night yacht trip routes, which are set to begin on June 17.

Thanks to its abundant vegetation and wildlife, which includes the Galapagos giant tortoise, the blue-footed booby and marine iguanas, the tropical island was listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1978. Travelling to the east or west of the island will provide visitors with adventures on land and in the sea, such as snorkellin­g, hiking and birdwatchi­ng.

“A uniquely biodiverse environmen­t with the highest number of endemic species in the world, the Galapagos is a natural choice for the further expansion of our portfolio in South America. We are absolutely thrilled to finally have the opportunit­y to bring our brand of responsibl­e tourism to this precious part of the world, which the Ecuadorian government has protected from over-tourism by strictly limiting the number of operating licences issued,” said Joss Kent, an executive chairman of &Beyond.

“To motivate people to protect the world’s natural areas, our experience­d guides will highlight the threats affecting the environmen­t through our luxury yachts. It will accommodat­e only 12 passengers and bring attention to the magic and mystery of this exceptiona­l destinatio­n.”

To give first-class holiday experience­s, the vessel will offer four exquisite cabins and two luxury suites as well as beautifull­y appointed spacious indoor and outdoor areas for recreation­al activities. Those who choose the western trip can visit Sombrero Chino Island and Santa Fe Island — the geographic centre of the Galapagos Islands — and possibly even spot the Santa Fe land iguana.

Meanwhile, the stunning Kicker Rock formation, situated near San Cristóbal Island, and views of the critically endangered waved albatross in Gardner Bay on Española Island are highlights of the eastern route.

Rates for both itinerarie­s begin from US$10,950 (393,000 baht) per person. &Beyond will apply its ethos of Care of Land, People and Wildlife to its new base of operations. It aims to train and upskill local residents in promoting opportunit­ies for local procuremen­t to support community developmen­t.

Find out more details at

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A whale shark.
ABOVE A whale shark.
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 ?? ?? LEFT Marine iguanas.
LEFT Marine iguanas.
 ?? ?? &Beyond Galapagos Explorer.
&Beyond Galapagos Explorer.

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