Bangkok Post

Trump again beats Haley in primary winning streak


WASHINGTON: Donald Trump celebrated a resounding victory in Michigan’s Republican presidenti­al primary on Tuesday, defeating his only remaining rival, Nikki Haley and extending his undefeated streak to six contests.

The win in Michigan, a key battlegrou­nd state in US presidenti­al elections, just after Mr Trump beat Ms Haley in her home state of South Carolina over the weekend quickened his march towards a likely November rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden.

“The numbers are far greater than we even anticipate­d,” Mr Trump told his supporters gathered for an election night party in Michigan by phone, adding that he is “so proud of the results.”

Ms Haley, who served as UN ambassador under Mr Trump, has no clear path to overtake the former president and clinch the party’s nomination in July. But Ms Haley, 52, has indicated that she will stay in the race at least through “Super Tuesday” on March 5, when 15 states and one territory hold nominating contests for the general election.

She has repeatedly said the United States needs a younger leader than the 77-year-old Mr Trump or the 81-yearold Mr Biden, referring to polls showing a majority of voters in the country want an option other than a rematch between the former and current presidents.

“We are in a ship with a hole in it, and we can either go down with the ship and watch the country go socialist left, or we can see that we need to take the life raft and move in a new direction,” she told CNN. “That’s what this is about.”

Mr Biden, meanwhile, faced a backlash from Arab American voters and progressiv­e Democrats in Michigan, where he won against Mr Trump by a narrow margin in the 2020 presidenti­al election.

Protesting Mr Biden’s strong backing of Israel in its war against the Palestinia­n militant group Hamas, some of those voters — who were vital in his successful bid for the White House — launched a campaign to check “uncommitte­d” in the swing state’s Democratic primary.

Michigan is demographi­cally diverse and home to the biggest Arab American population in the United States.

 ?? AFP ?? Republican presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley in Colorado on Tuesday.
AFP Republican presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley in Colorado on Tuesday.

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