Bangkok Post

Poll winner Prabowo promoted to four-star general


JAKARTA: Indonesia’s president yesterday awarded Prabowo Subianto, his presumed successor and an ex-special forces commander, the rank of honorary four-star general, decades after he was dismissed from the military amid allegation­s of rights abuses.

Defence Minister Prabowo, who took an insurmount­able lead in the Feb 14 presidenti­al election according to unofficial quick counts, was awarded the rank of four-star general by outgoing President Joko Widodo in a ceremony at the military headquarte­rs in Jakarta.

“This honour is a form of appreciati­on, it reaffirms devotion to the people and the country. I would like to say congratula­tions to General Prabowo Subianto,” he said, before attaching lapels with four gold stars on Mr Prabowo’s blazer.

The award marks the culminatio­n of a decades-long rebrand for Mr Prabowo, 72, a once rising military star who was dismissed from the military in 1998 amid accusation­s he was involved in human rights abuses in East Timor and in the disappeara­nce of 13 prodemocra­cy activists.

At the time, he was a three-star Lieutenant General.

Mr Prabowo, the ex-son-in-law of late Indonesian dictator Suharto, has always denied wrongdoing, but was previously banned from entering the United States on account of the claims. He has never faced prosecutio­n.

Mr Prabowo sought self-exile in Jordan following his discharge from the military, but in the decades since he has returned to Indonesia, has built an influentia­l political party and civilian career. In 2014 and 2019 he lost consecutiv­e presidenti­al bids to Jokowi, as the incumbent leader is known, before being brought into the government as defence minister in 2019.

Preliminar­y but unofficial results show Mr Prabowo with a clear lead in this year’s election, with the expectatio­n that he will be inaugurate­d as president in October.

 ?? AFP ?? Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto, left, inspects military vehicles after a meeting of high-ranking officers at Indonesia’s military headquarte­rs in Jakarta yesterday.
AFP Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto, left, inspects military vehicles after a meeting of high-ranking officers at Indonesia’s military headquarte­rs in Jakarta yesterday.

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