Bangkok Post

HK set to get new security law


HONG KONG: A public consultati­on period for a new Hong Kong national security law closed yesterday amid concerns that the legislatio­n, which authoritie­s want to put in place soon, will further erode freedoms in the financial hub.

The law, known as Article 23, is aimed at addressing what officials call deficienci­es or loopholes in the national security regime, which was bolstered just four years ago by another national security law imposed directly by China.

It will target crimes including treason, theft of state secrets, espionage, sabotage, sedition and “external interferen­ce” including from foreign government­s. The Hong Kong legislatur­e, which is dominated by pro-Beijing lawmakers, is expected to approve it.

The law comes as the former British colony is trying to improve its image, and economy, amid internatio­nal criticism of a China-led crackdown on freedoms and dissent which has sent many pro-democracy politician­s and activists into jail or exile.

Several lawyers and activists say the law criminalis­es basic human rights such as freedom of expression.

“Many of these proposed provisions are vague and criminalis­e people’s peaceful exercises of human rights, including the rights to freedom of associatio­n, assembly, expression and the press,” a group of 80 civil society groups, including British-based Hong Kong Watch, wrote in a joint letter.

Hong Kong authoritie­s, however, say the new law is necessary as “threats posed by external forces and local terrorism remain”, adding that national security is the “fundamenta­l prerequisi­te for the survival and developmen­t of a state”.

The government also said Article 23 would give “full and prudent considerat­ion” to the United Nations’ Internatio­nal Covenant on Civil & Political Rights”.

A previous attempt to enact Article 23 in 2003 was shelved after an estimated 500,000 people protested against it. This time, there have been no large-scale protests and most public submission­s so far support the legislatio­n.

Authoritie­s have proposed harsher penalties for “seditious intention” and “possession of seditious publicatio­n”, an addition some lawyers say is concerning, as many journalist­s, activists and media outlets in recent years have been charged with sedition before being jailed or shut down.

“The United Nations Committee of human rights experts already concluded in 2022 that the sedition provisions should be repealed and Hong Kong should refrain from using them to suppress the expression of critical and dissenting opinions,” said Mark Daley, a Hong Kong based human rights lawyer.

Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Journalist­s Associatio­n said in its submission that “sedition should be abolished”, adding the scope and definition of what constitute “state secrets” was very broad and vague.

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