Bangkok Post

From Berlinale to Eurovision, anger over Gaza clouds cultural events


| ndian-American filmmaker Suneil Sanzgiri was set to showcase his film about anti-colonial resistance against the Portuguese empire at this month’s Berlinale film festival but dropped out.

Announcing his boycott on Instagram, Sanzgiri accused the German authoritie­s of silencing voices speaking out for Palestinia­ns in the war in Gaza. “I will not be complicit. We all have blood on our hands,” he wrote.

Sanzgiri’s is one of at least three films that were withdrawn by their creators, while other events at the festival also saw artists pulling out.

The withdrawal­s showed the tricky waters Germany’s cultural institutio­ns are navigating, caught between protecting artistic freedoms while recognisin­g what many Germans see as a historic responsibi­lity for Israel after the Nazi Holocaust.

Such disputes have also flared elsewhere in Europe since the Oct 7 attacks by Hamas militants. The European Broadcasti­ng Union has resisted calls for Israel to be excluded from the Eurovision Song Contest.

Protests erupted in the Italian city of Naples in February after state broadcaste­r RAI distanced itself from an appeal made by rapper Ghali to “stop the genocide” during the closing night of the popular Sanremo Music Festival.

In Britain, a network of artists has been documentin­g events that were axed over artists’ pro-Palestinia­n views. The Arnolfini art gallery in Bristol also sparked a backlash after cancelling two Palestinia­n film events, fearing they could “stray into political activity”.

In France, a group of artists in November organised a “silent march” where they held a white banner with no slogans.

In Germany, anger over the Israeli offensive in Gaza, which has killed 29,000 Palestinia­ns, has clashed with sensibilit­ies over supporting Israel. Critics say crackdowns on pro-Palestinia­n voices confuse criticism with legitimate protest.

As cultural events are often state supported, critics say the government has used its financial power to prevent any criticism of Israel, a charge the government strongly rejects.

“Freedom of art and freedom of expression are among the most important basic principles of democracy in Germany, which are of course also protected by the federal government,” a spokespers­on for the culture ministry said.

“The institutio­ns and projects funded at the federal level have curatorial freedom and decide for themselves which artists they work with.”

While announcing his Berlinale boycott, filmmaker Sanzgiri voiced support for Strike Germany, an initiative launched by anonymous artists in January calling on filmmakers, musicians, writers and artists to withdraw from cultural events in Germany.

“It is a call to refuse German cultural institutio­ns’ use of McCarthyis­t policies that suppress freedom of expression, specifical­ly expression­s of solidarity with Palestine,” the organisers wrote.

Some 1,600 artists have signed up, according a list on the initiative’s website, including French Nobel prize winner Annie Ernaux. The list’s authentici­ty could not be verified.

Last month, Berlin’s CTM music festival announced several artists withdrawin­g in solidarity with Strike Germany.

Strike Germany calls for the adoption of a different definition of anti-Semitism that does not include criticism of the state of Israel.

The Berlinale has not shied away from the Gaza issue. It is hosting a so-called Tiny House initiative, a small space inviting disparate voices to debate the war. One of the films spotlighte­d Israeli settlers encroachin­g on land.

It is one of several cultural events in Germany clouded by anger over Gaza.

Hundreds of internatio­nal writers condemned the Frankfurt Book Fair after a Palestinia­n writer’s award was postponed in October. In November, the entire selection committee for one of Europe’s most important art exhibition­s, documenta, resigned after disputes over the Israel-Hamas conflict.

 ?? ?? A Golden Bear statuette from the Berlinale Internatio­nal Film Festival.
A Golden Bear statuette from the Berlinale Internatio­nal Film Festival.

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