Bangkok Post

Chinese aircraft to visit 5 Asean members


BEIJING/SHANGHAI: Chinese stateowned planemaker Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (Comac) will conduct flying demonstrat­ions of its C919 and ARJ21 jets in five Southeast Asian countries, it said yesterday, as it looks to lay the groundwork for future internatio­nal sales.

Over the next two weeks, the two aircraft will conduct flights in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia, the Shanghai-headquarte­red aircraft manufactur­er said in a statement.

It follows the arrival of the C919 passenger jet in Vietnam to participat­e in an air show there on Monday, after the Singapore Airshow concluded on Sunday.

The two planes were showcased at the Singapore Airshow last week, marking the first display outside Chinese territory of the C919 jet, a narrow-body plane touted as a competitor to Boeing’s 737 MAX and Airbus’ A320neo.

The ARJ21 regional jet is its smaller predecesso­r that mainly flies in China but also is operated by an Indonesian airline. The jet with 78 to 97 seats was to take off from Van Don Internatio­nal Airport in northern Vietnam yesterday afternoon on a demonstrat­ion flight, according to Comac.

“The primary purpose of these flights is to ... showcase the aircrafts’ good performanc­e and lay the groundwork for future market expansion in Southeast Asia,” the company added.

China has said it wants to secure broader internatio­nal recognitio­n for the C919 this year, including pursuing European Union Aviation Safety Agency certificat­ion. The jet has so far gained more than 1,000 orders, but mostly from Chinese airlines and aircraft lessors.

 ?? BLOOMBERG ?? Comac’s ARJ21, operated by Longhao Airlines, is seen at the Singapore Airshow on Feb 20.
BLOOMBERG Comac’s ARJ21, operated by Longhao Airlines, is seen at the Singapore Airshow on Feb 20.

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