Bangkok Post

Grain corridor ‘in doubt’ without US aid


NEW YORK: Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Monday that without new US military aid his country would be unable to defend a Black Sea shipping corridor that has allowed Kyiv to export millions of tonnes of grain to global markets.

Ukraine l aunched the shipping corridor hugging its western Black Sea coast near Romania and Bulgaria in August, a month after Russia quit a year-long landmark deal — brokered by the United Nations and Turkey

— that had allowed the safe Black Sea export of nearly 33 million metric tonnes of Ukraine grain.

Ukraine is on track to export all grain from its 2023 harvest despite Russian attacks on Ukrainian ports and infrastruc­ture, Britain’s foreign office said this month.

“We ... created the new route in the Black Sea,” Mr Zelensky told CNN in an interview, describing the shipping corridor as a “big success” for so far allowing the export of about 30 million tonnes of grain and other agricultur­al products.

But he warned that if the US Congress did not approve $60 billion (2.1 trillion baht) in new security aid then the future of the shipping corridor would be in doubt. The United Nations blamed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago for worsening a global food crisis. Ukraine and Russia are both major grain exporters.

“I think the route will be closed... because to defend it, it’s also about some ammunition, some air defence, and some other systems,” he said.

The UN says there have been dozens of attacks on Ukraine’s grain production and export facilities. Russia says it targets military infrastruc­ture, not civilian infrastruc­ture.

Conservati­ve Republican­s in the House of Representa­tives are threatenin­g to block further military aid. Ukraine is running short of personnel and ammunition, especially heavy artillery rounds, and it has lost ground after retaking about half of the territory Russia seized in 2022.

 ?? ?? Zelensky: Appeals for more funding
Zelensky: Appeals for more funding

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