Bangkok Post

Rivals to visit US-Mexico border on the same day


WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden and Donald Trump will both visit the US-Mexico border tomorrow in a highprofil­e clash of schedules as they vie to win over voters on immigratio­n — one of the hottest issues in the 2024 election.

With record numbers of migrants crossing into the US, Mr Biden has sought to defuse a major threat to his re-election campaign by blaming Congress for failing to back his reforms.

For Mr Trump, a hard anti-immigratio­n stance has been central to his political identity for years, and he has repeatedly vowed to crack down on crossings from Mexico as he seeks a return to the White House.

The rivals are set to visit different parts of the border in Texas, setting up a notable split-screen moment less than eight months before Americans go to the polls.

White House spokeswoma­n Karine Jean-Pierre declined to comment after Trump officials claimed that Mr Biden had hurriedly planned his trip after Mr Trump’s visit was announced.

“I don’t have a reaction to the former president, I am not going to speak to his schedule,” Ms Jean-Pierre said, adding that Mr Biden would meet with border patrol agents, law enforcemen­t and local leaders in Brownsvill­e, Texas.

“He will reiterate his calls for congressio­nal Republican­s to stop playing politics and to provide the funding needed for additional US Border Patrol agents, more asylum officers, fentanyl detection technology and more,” she said.

During a visit to an ice cream shop in New York Monday, Mr Biden also indicated he wasn’t aware of his likely opponent’s travel plans ahead of time.

“I planned [the Texas trip] for Thursday, what I didn’t know was that my good friend apparently is going,” he told reporters in an apparent reference to Mr Trump.

Nor did Mr Biden say whether he would meet with migrants, after criticism that he did not do so on a previous visit.

Mr Trump, who will head to Eagle Pass, about 480km to the west of Brownsvill­e, unleashed a fresh social media outburst over migration.

“Vicious gangs and gang members are pouring into our country from South America, and from all over the world... deposited into the Good Ole’ USA by the tens of thousands,” Mr Trump said.

“Biden will never be able to handle it,” he added.

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