Bangkok Post

Nurses take on more roles amid walk-outs

Junior doctors slam reliance on trainees


SEOUL: South Korea granted nurses new powers and legal protection­s yesterday and launched an investigat­ion into a patient’s death, as hospital chaos caused by striking trainee doctors entered a second week.

Major hospitals are struggling to provide services after thousands of junior medics handed in their resignatio­n and stopped working last week to protest against government plans to sharply increase medical school admissions in the face of a rapidly ageing society.

The government said yesterday it would launch an investigat­ion after a patient died of a cardiac arrest in an ambulance after struggling to find a hospital.

Emergency services contacted seven different hospitals but “were told there were no trainee doctors”, the daily JoongAng Ilbo reported.

“The government is conducting an on-site probe with related agencies into the death,” Health Minister Cho Kyoohong said.

The mass work stoppage has also resulted in cancellati­ons and postponeme­nts of surgeries for cancer patients and C-sections for pregnant women, with the government raising its public health alert to the highest level over the fallout.

Nurses will now be allowed to perform some procedures reserved for doctors, and offered immunity from any potential lawsuits linked to their new scope of work, Second Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo said.

The government said it needed to protect nurses as there were currently some “grey area” as to what medical treatments could be performed by which staff, at a time when nurses were “shoulderin­g the workload” due to the strike.

The administra­tions of each hospital can work with nurses to decide which tasks they can perform.

The government has set a Thursday ultimatum for doctors to return to work, saying that legal action — including prosecutio­n and the suspension of medical licences — will be taken against those who refuse.

“We urge the trainee doctors to return to medical fields as soon as possible,” he said.

Kim Sung-ju, the head of Korean Cancer Patients Rights Council, told AFP that delays in chemothera­py and surgeries were happening in all university hospitals near the Seoul metropolit­an area.

“We will thoroughly investigat­e all potential legal grounds and hold those responsibl­e accountabl­e if those with severe illnesses suffer severe damage,” he said.

Doctors are restricted from strikes by South Korean law, but the medics have said they have no option but to stop working to show their fierce opposition to the government’s plan.

Seoul says it has one of the lowest doctor-to-population ratios among developed countries, and the government is pushing hard to admit 2,000 more students to medical schools annually, starting next year.

Junior doctors say the reforms are the final straw in a profession where they already struggle with tough working conditions.

 ?? REUTERS ?? South Korean doctors march to the Presidenti­al Office to protest against the government’s medical policy in Seoul.
REUTERS South Korean doctors march to the Presidenti­al Office to protest against the government’s medical policy in Seoul.

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