Bangkok Post

Israel sets deadline for Rafah assault

Wants hostages back by start of Ramadan


GAZA STRIP: Israel has threatened to invade Gaza’s Rafah by the start of Ramadan if Hamas does not return the remaining hostages by then, despite internatio­nal pressure to protect Palestinia­n civilians sheltering in the southern city.

With prospects f or truce talks dimmed, the United States and other government­s, as well as the United Nations, have issued increasing­ly urgent appeals to Israel to call off its planned offensive on Rafah.

The Israeli government says the city on the Egypt border is the last remaining stronghold in Gaza of the Palestinia­n militant group Hamas.

But it is also where three-quarters of the displaced Palestinia­n population has fled, taking shelter in sprawling tent encampment­s without access to adequate food, water or medicine.

“The world must know, and Hamas leaders must know — if by Ramadan our hostages are not home, the fighting will continue everywhere, including the Rafah area,” Benny Gantz, a retired military chief of staff, told a conference of American Jewish leaders in Jerusalem on Sunday.

“Hamas has a choice. They can surrender, release the hostages and the civilians of Gaza can celebrate the feast of Ramadan,” added Mr Gantz, a member of the three-person war cabinet.

R a m a d a n , the Muslim holy month, is expected to begin around March 10.

Mr Gantz said the offensive will be carried out in coordinati­on with American and Egyptian partners to “minimise the civilian casualties as much as possible”.

But where Palestinia­ns can go after four months of war have flattened vast swathes of the Strip remains unclear.

“There’s no safe place. Even the hospital is not safe,” Ahmad Mohammed Aburizq told AFP from the morgue of a Rafah hospital where mourners gathered around a loved one wrapped in a white body bag.

“That’s my cousin — he was martyred in Al-Mawasi, in the ‘safe area’. And my mother was martyred the day before.”

For weeks, internatio­nal mediators have sought to broker a truce-for-hostages deal that would pause fighting for six weeks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has played down the possibilit­y of an impending breakthrou­gh, calling Hamas’ demands “delusional”.

Even if a deal is struck, he insists the campaign to eliminate Hamas from Gaza will not be completed until clearing Rafah.

“Deal or no deal, we have to finish the job to get total victory,” he said at the Jerusalem conference on Sunday.

With internatio­nal pressure piling on Israel, the UN’s top court was to open a week of hearings from yesterday examining the legal consequenc­es of the country’s 57-year occupation of Palestinia­n territorie­s.

The hearings, requested by the UN General Assembly, are separate from South Africa’s high-profile case alleging Israel is committing genocide in its current Gaza offensive.

At the UN’s Security Council, the United States signalled it would veto the latest UN draft resolution seeking an immediate ceasefire should it come to a vote this week.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the resolution would jeopardise the ongoing truce talks, as well as the broader aim of “an enduring resolution of hostilitie­s”.

Western government­s have increasing­ly pushed for unilateral recognitio­n of a Palestinia­n state to be part of that wider peace process, but Israel’s government on Sunday unanimousl­y adopted a declaratio­n rejecting such recognitio­n.

“After the terrible massacre of Oct 7, there can be no greater reward for terrorism than that and it will prevent any future peace settlement,” Mr Netanyahu said.

Hamas has meanwhile threatened to suspend its involvemen­t in any ceasefire negotiatio­ns unless relief supplies reach Gaza’s north, where aid agencies have warned of looming famine.

 ?? AFP ?? Employees make biscuits at a bakery in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday, amid continuing battles between Israel and the militant group Hamas.
AFP Employees make biscuits at a bakery in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday, amid continuing battles between Israel and the militant group Hamas.
 ?? ?? Gantz: Gazans can feast at Ramadan
Gantz: Gazans can feast at Ramadan

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