Bangkok Post

Navalny team says mother barred from morgue access


MOSCOW: The mother of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is being refused access to his body for a third day, his team said yesterday as his widow prepared to meet European foreign ministers.

Navalny’s death in an Arctic prison last week has shocked the country’s exiled opposition — along with the West — pointed the finger at the Kremlin.

Navalny’s allies said investigat­ors told his mother, Lyudmila, the investigat­ion into his death in prison “has been extended”.

Russia’s prison service said Navalny, 47, died on Friday after a walk in his remote prison above the Arctic Circle.

His mother travelled to the isolated prison colony in the town of Kharp — about 2,000 kilometres from Moscow — on Saturday but was told his body was not there.

She was then sent to a morgue in the regional hub of Salekhard, but officials there also denied her access to the body.

“Alexei’s mother and his lawyers arrived at the morgue early in the morning. They were not allowed to go in,” Navalny’s spokeswoma­n Kira Yarmysh said on social media. “One of the lawyers was literally pushed out. When the staff was asked if Alexei’s body was there, they did not answer.”

She later said the mother — who has not spoken publicly — was told a probe into his death was being prolonged.

“It is not known how long it will continue. The cause of death is still ‘undetermin­ed’. They’re lying, playing for time and do not even hide it,” Ms Yarmysh said.

Navalny’s team, which have operated from outside Russia for more than two years, have demanded his body be handed over to relatives. They have accused authoritie­s of “covering up their tracks”.

Mr Putin has not yet commented on the death, despite making public appearance­s after it was announced.

Authoritie­s detained hundreds of mourners who brought flowers to local monuments in Russia over the weekend, rights groups said.

As his relatives and lawyers searched for his body in the Russian Far North, his widow Yulia Navalnaya was due in Brussels yesterday to meet EU ministers.

She has held Mr Putin personally responsibl­e for her husband’s death.

“I want Putin and all his entourage, Putin’s friends and his government to know: they will bear responsibi­lity for what they did to our country, to my family, to my husband,” she said when the death was announced on Friday.

She was by Navalny’s side throughout his more than decade long fight against the Kremlin.

She managed to fly him out of Russia when he was poisoned in 2020 with what doctors said was a nerve agent and defiantly returned with him to Moscow, knowing he would go to prison, in 2021.

Russia’s foreign ministry decried “sweeping accusation­s” by the West in the hours after the death, but no high-placed officials have since commented.

 ?? AFP ?? Yulia Navalnaya, wife of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, attends the Munich Security Conference in southern Germany on Friday.
AFP Yulia Navalnaya, wife of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, attends the Munich Security Conference in southern Germany on Friday.

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