Bangkok Post

Britain summons Russian diplomats over Navalny


>> LONDON: The British government said late Friday it had summoned diplomats from the Russian embassy “to make clear that we hold the Russian authoritie­s fully responsibl­e” for the death of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

Russian officials said Navalny, 47, had died on Friday in an Arctic prison, a month before an election poised to extend President Vladimir Putin’s hold on power.

“In recent years, t he authoritie­s imprisoned him on fabricated charges, poisoned him with a banned nerve agent, and sent him to an Arctic penal colony.

“No one should doubt the brutal nature of the Russian system,” a Foreign Office spokespers­on said.

The Foreign Office “summoned the Russian embassy to make clear that we hold the Russian authoritie­s fully responsibl­e”.

“Alexei Navalny dedicated his life to exposing the corruption of the Russian system, calling for free and open politics, and holding the Kremlin to account,” the spokespers­on said.

Earlier Friday, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Putin “should be accountabl­e for what has happened” and paid tribute to Navalny’s courage.

“Make no mistake, Putin is responsibl­e for Navalny’s death,” US President Joe Biden said in remarks from the White House. “Even in prison, he was a powerful voice for the truth.”

“Alexei Navalny was tortured and tormented for three years... Murder was added to Alexei Navalny’s sentence,” Russian Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitry Muratov told the Novaya Gazeta newspaper.

The death was announced by Russia’s federal penitentia­ry service, which said Navalny “felt bad after a walk, almost immediatel­y losing consciousn­ess”.

Supporters of Navalny turned out across Europe and in the United States on Friday evening to pay tribute to the man seen as Russia’s main opposition figure, even when behind bars.

In London, dozens of people gathered in front of the Russian embassy carrying signs in English and Russian saying: “Stop Putin”, “Assassins” and “We are Navalny”.

 ?? ?? GRAVE SMILE: An image of Alexei Navalny is projected on the Russian Embassy in London by the group Led By Donkeys on the day his death was announced Friday.
GRAVE SMILE: An image of Alexei Navalny is projected on the Russian Embassy in London by the group Led By Donkeys on the day his death was announced Friday.

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