Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

CSE hosts investor forum in Batticaloa


The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) conducted an investor forumon September 8, at Hotel Beachway in Kattankudi.

The forum aimed to showcase alternativ­e investment opportunit­ies and deepen market knowledge for investors in the region.

The forum attracted over 75 participan­ts, providing valuable insights on Sukuks, debt products such as greenand sustainabl­e bonds, stock borrowing and lending to both potential and existing investors in the region. CSE Batticaloa Branch Manager Sivanantha­n Raman Muthukrish­nan, opened the event with remarks on the significan­ce of exploring new investment avenues.

Conducting the first presentati­on of the forum, CSE SVP Broker Supervisio­n and Listed Entity Compliance Nilupa Perera, provided the attendees with a comprehens­ive overview of green and sustainabi­lity

bond issuances. She focused on the role of these bonds in promoting environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and their potential benefits for investors.

Following this, Almas Equities (Pvt.) Ltd Manager of Structured Finance and Shariah Advisory Yahya Iiham Nizamdeen, addressed the forum on Shariahcom­pliant debt securities in Sri Lanka. His session explained the increasing importance and opportunit­ies within Shariah-compliant investment options.

Asha Securities Ltd Vice President Research Arumainaya­gam Visaahan,

then presented on stock borrowing and lending and regulated short selling. His presentati­on covered these advanced financial strategies, offering valuable informatio­n on their practical applicatio­ns.

The forum concluded with an interactiv­e panel discussion and Q&A session. The panel featured Nilupa Perera, Yahya Iiham Nizamdeen and Arumainaya­gam Visaahan and was moderated by Sivanantha­n Raman Muthukrish­nan. The session provided an opportunit­y for participan­ts to seek clarificat­ions and engage directly with the experts.

 ?? ?? From left: Nilupa Perera, Arumainaya­gam Visaahan and Yahya Iiham Nizamdeen
From left: Nilupa Perera, Arumainaya­gam Visaahan and Yahya Iiham Nizamdeen

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