Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

ADB approves US $ 100mn loan for Sri Lanka’s water supply and sanitation reforms


The Asian Developmen­t Bank (ADB) is set to grant a US $ 100 million policybase­d loan to support Sri Lanka’s water supply and sanitation sector reforms, aimed at enhancing the country’s resilience to climate change and promote long-term sustainabi­lity.

The ADB approved the loan this week to support the government under its Water Supply and Sanitation Reform Programme, a two-part initiative designed to create a more resilient and sustainabl­e water supply and sanitation system in the country.

“Efficient delivery of safe and reliable water supply in Sri Lanka is limited by fragmented water resources management and exacerbate­d by climate change. This programme will not only strengthen mechanisms to ensure adequate access to safe water but also address governance and sustainabi­lity challenges in the sector, enabling the participat­ion of the private sector,” ADB Senior Urban Developmen­t Specialist Pedro Almeida stated in a press release, following the loan approval.

President Ranil Wickremesi­nghe also received the Cabinet approval this week to secure the loan for subprogram­me one, of the project, which will establish national policies and strategies for the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB).

The subprogram­me, with the approval of the Prime Minister’s Office, will support the NWSDB in ensuring equitable water allocation and sharing procedures.

Additional­ly, the programme will enhance the sector’s efficiency and performanc­e through the Water Supply and Estate Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Ministry’s approval of a climateres­ilient project appraisal framework for drinking water investment­s. It will also support the NWSDB’S financial sustainabi­lity and performanc­e through the developmen­t of publicpriv­ate sector road maps and a business efficiency action plan.

The ADB’S reform programme also includes a US $ 800,000 technical assistance grant to provide capacity and advisory support to the Water Supply and Estate Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Ministry and NWSDB, for the formulatio­n, deployment, implementa­tion and monitoring of the reform initiative­s.

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