Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

NCCSL advocates for a spiritual-political voting culture

Issuing guidelines for voting in the upcoming election, the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka called upon eligible voters to exercise their right to vote and also consider how their vote would impact the marginalis­ed and vulnerable groups

- National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL)

The strongly encouraged all those who are eligible to vote at the upcoming Presidenti­al Elections. In a statement, they added that they consider voting a spiritual-political act, which is an opportunit­y for voters to not only exercise their rights to choose their leaders, but also express compassion and solidarity with marginalis­ed and vulnerable groups and contribute towards a better country for all. All Sri Lankans should focus on the commitment of candidates to these ideals including bringing realistic policies that will bring “good news to the poor and oppressed” (Luke 4:18) and ensure “life in its fullness for all” (John 10:10), they further said.


The NCCSL provides a framework which could be followed as one deliberate­s on whom to vote for at the upcoming Presidenti­al Elections. They stressed that this is not meant to be exhaustive, but only seeks to highlight some areas of concern and importance.

1. Positions, policies and plans on key concerns – past, present and future

i. Abolishing the executive presidency

within a specified time period

ii. Economic crisis - including debt restructur­ing/cancellati­on, sustainabl­e developmen­t, just wages for all etc.

iii. Political solution to the ethnic conflict - including recognitio­n of Tamils in North and East as a distinct community, with substantia­l autonomy and power sharing to the North and East, within the framework of a united (not unitary) country, etc.

iv. Reconcilia­tion - ensuring right to memorialis­ation for all, addressing land disputes amongst communitie­s and between communitie­s and state agencies

v. Addressing past crimes and human rights violations - including wartime atrocities, the Easter Sunday attacks, economic crimes, enforced disappeara­nces, extrajudic­ial executions, prison massacres, crimes against media personnel and journalist­s and those who have suffered exercising their democratic right to dissent

vi. Strengthen­ing the Rule of Law - independen­ce of judiciary and other independen­t institutio­ns including the Constituti­onal Council, reforms to the Attorney General, police reforms, and restrictin­g the involvemen­t of the military in civilian activities

vii. Effective policies for promoting greater women’s representa­tion in democratic institutio­ns and decision-making

viii. The Rights of marginalis­ed and those subjected to historical discrimina­tion - workers in formal and informal sectors, farmers, fisherfolk, those with different gender identities and sexual orientatio­n, children, persons with disability, indigenous peoples, etc.

ix. Protection and nurturing of the environmen­t and addressing climate change.

x. Foreign relations - position on resolution at the UN Human Rights Council on Sri Lanka, refugees and asylum seekers coming to Sri Lanka, positions on global concerns such as Palestine etc.

xi.the demands of the Malayaha Community made throughout the years to be addressed

2. Involvemen­t in Human Rights violations, racism, corruption, violations of the Constituti­on, etc.

i. Whether the candidates have been found responsibl­e by courts or any other credible authoritie­s (E.g. Human Rights Commission) for any criminal offences or human rights violations

ii. Whether there are investigat­ions and against the candidates for any or

iii. Whether there are other credible allegation­s and informatio­n against candidates about their involvemen­t in underminin­g the Constituti­on or democratic institutio­ns and norms

iv. Whether candidates have tried to

pending court cases criminal offences human rights violations promote, justify or cover up criminal offences or human rights violations

by others through what they have done, said or avoided doing

v. Whether candidates have tried to promote impunity for criminal offences and human rights violations through what they have done, said or avoided doing

vi. Involvemen­t or credible allegation­s against candidates for racism, hate speech, etc.

vii. Involvemen­t or credible allegation­s against candidates on

bribery, corruption and lack of accountabi­lity

viii. Degree of respect and adherence to letter and spirit of election laws by candidates

3. Past experience­s of holding political office and Record of Candidates

i. Performanc­e of candidates when elected as people’s representa­tives

ii. Performanc­e of candidates when dealing with civil society

iii. Transparen­cy of candidates about their personal wealth, especially through asset declaratio­ns


The NCCSL notes with concern that some persons and groups are considerin­g and promoting the boycotting of elections or wasting their votes. This has also happened in the past in Sri Lanka and other countries. The NCCSL acknowledg­es that these campaigns may be based on disappoint­ments and frustratio­n at the unwillingn­ess and inability of those elected by the majority to address longstandi­ng and legitimate grievances of numerical minorities and other marginalis­ed persons and communitie­s. However, the NCCSL believes that the upcoming elections offer opportunit­ies for a better future for all Sri Lankans and thus calls upon all Sri Lankans to use their democratic right to vote to ensure that the best person is elected to the powerful office.


■ All citizens who are eligible to vote and may have any doubts about the possibilit­y of casting their votes should contact relevant officials or seek guidance well in advance.

■all voters are encouraged to clearly indicate their 1st, 2nd and possibly even 3rd preference of candidates, as the preference votes may determine the winner in this closely fought election.

■ All voters are encouraged to cast their votes as early as possible on the day of elections.

The NCCSL added that the Sri Lankan constituti­on recognises that “Sovereignt­y lies in the People and is inalienabl­e” and that “Sovereignt­y includes the powers of government, fundamenta­l rights and the franchise”. They thus called upon all Sri Lankans to exercise their civic duty and exercise their franchise with responsibi­lity.

 ?? ?? NCCSL believes that the upcoming elections offer opportunit­ies for a better future for all Sri Lankans and thus calls upon all Sri Lankans to use their democratic right to vote to ensure that the best person is elected to office
NCCSL believes that the upcoming elections offer opportunit­ies for a better future for all Sri Lankans and thus calls upon all Sri Lankans to use their democratic right to vote to ensure that the best person is elected to office

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