Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

What was the shampoo that Cleopatra used?

Time to find out with FRELLA Hair care


Maintainin­g healthy hair is essential for both beauty and general hygiene. It assists us look our best and guarantees that our scalp and hair are in good condition. To make sure your hair is as healthy as possible, using high-quality hair care products is essential in addition to going to a reputable salon. On the National Hair Loss Awareness Month, Daily Mirror introduces FRELLA Wellness to help you achieve your dream hair and Mr. Sudath Horadagoda, the Founder and Managing Director at FRELLA Internatio­nal (Pvt) Ltd. provided his insightful analysis of FRELLA hair care in the following way.

Q. Can you provide a brief introducti­on to FRELLA Internatio­nal (Pvt) Ltd including its history and vision?

FRELLA Wellness was founded ten years ago in Maldives and serves as a key spa commercial­ization provider to all of the top resort hotels in Maldives. Our main goal was to provide a wide range of spa amenities to commercial­ized spas. Two years later, FRELLA Wellness was introduced to Sri Lanka by supplying products to modern trade businesses. As a company, we source natural extracts from plants that are safe for hair care and present them to the market in an eye-catching manner. FRELLA'S goal is to dominate the wellness supply market in the area by offering the spa and wellness industry genuine healing and result-oriented products while introducin­g time tested natural beauty care with a modern approach.

Q. What is the product range of FRELLA and how to ensure the quality and safety of products?

FRELLA offers body and hair oils, sulfate and paraben free shampoos and conditione­rs, lotions with a high natural content, body custards, body scrubs, and special ultra-absorbing moisturizi­ng gels. FRELLA also provides wellness products to ITC Rathnadeep­a, a luxury collection hotel in Sri Lanka, business class amenity packs and toiletries for Sri Lankan airlines and all leading hotels, resorts, spas both local and internatio­nal. In keeping with its mission, FRELLA is constantly in charge of optimizing the product's extract content to provide an excellence, result-driven product.

Being authentic in the market is crucial, and FRELLA scrupulous­ly avoids harsh chemicals, unpleasant synthetic fragrances, sulfates, parabens and focuses on using natural oils, herbs and essential oils for all FRELLA products as we have identified that sulfates - a detergent that degrades the natural oils produced by hair roots, are mostly the main cause for hair loss. Being an ISO, EU, USDA, Ayurvedic department, and GMP certified brand, FRELLA has acquired the right to produce appropriat­e goods using the necessary ingredient­s to provide noticeable outcomes.

What an incredible product! In essence, it directs attention to the fact that the FRELLA hair care range caters to those who are ready and aware of the value of using high-end, premium products to maintain a healthy hair.

Q. Let us get into FRELLA’S approach in target market, innovation­s and how FRELLA has its unique identity in the market.

Every FRELLA product is an innovation! FRELLA'S distinctiv­e brand identity stems from the usage of a high proportion of natural components, which is technicall­y feasible in the industry if proper manufactur­ing techniques and practices are followed. Many hotels as well as wellness brands choose FRELLA because of its brand associatio­n along with its synergetic marketing approach.

Q. What are the challenges and achievemen­ts happened in the success journey of FRELLA? Regarding the difficulti­es, one significan­t issue is Sri Lankans lack of awareness about wellness because they are easily duped. Due to the lack of understand­ing about hair care, most are unaware of the negative consequenc­es of sulfates. The market is overflowin­g with ludicrous combinatio­ns of raw materials, which continues to be a challenge for safe product consumptio­n.

Regarding accomplish­ments, relocating the company from Maldives to Sri Lanka and the impending launch of the FRELLA office in United Arab Emirates are both significan­t steps forward.

You can purchase FRELLA products online via www.frellawell­ness.com

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