Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Raviesha Ranathunge

When your hair looks good, your day will be better yet having a healthy hair is actually a part of your wealth. Hence, throughout August, National Hair loss Awareness Month concerns regarding the measures and various causes for hair loss.

Every strand is life. So behind each & every thinning strand, there’s a story and a struggle. At the drop of a hat, this month of hair loss awareness encourage you to find solutions for your thinning, fragile and weak hair that always causes to hair fall. Hair loss is a deeply personal and very emotional disaster more than just a cosmetic issue. This impacts millions of people worldwide. Most of the time, genetics (androgenet­ic alopecia) take plays a significan­t role of hair loss. Sometimes this might be an after effect of chemically treated hair. This can be a medical condition too. Also we have heard different types of myths related to hair fall.

Further factors include;

• Stress

• Hormonal changes

• Nutritiona­l deficienci­es

• Shampoo with sulfate & paraben

• Medical conditions like alopecia areata

• Thyroid disorders

• Diet

• Styling practices

• Trauma

Tackling Hair loss is almost a collection of thousands of committed efforts and it’s literally a personal journey. Whether you’re personally suffering due to the hair loss of it’s severely affected to your personal growth or confidence. So kindly remind that we have various resources, treatments, medication­s and communitie­s who willingly assist you every step of the way. As the same it’s really essential to remember that hair loss is a complex issue with no stand formulatio­n.

It’s a personal experience, it’s a personal journey that goes with the necessity of understand­ing, patience, proper treatments / medication­s and the biggest & the most mentally effective thing is the support from loved ones. This journey is totally a value added sacrifice.

By fostering open pod casts and conversati­ons, we can be a consolatio­n for those who badly affected by the hair loss. Then can navigate their ways with self confidence and self dignity. It’s a social responsibi­lity. So everyone has to play a crucial role by understand­ing and supporting them to get rid of hair loss. Recently by offering more hope than before hair treatments and medication­s have evolved in a considerab­le and significan­t manner as well.

Oiling your hair is one of the best yet basic, simple and easiest way of taking care of your hair since ancient times. It prevents the dryness and improves moisture, hydration & scalp health as well. Also it’s promotes hair growth, strength your hair, protect from damages, enhancing the hair texture & keeps your mind relaxed by relieving the stress.

You can get used to oil your hair by applying essential oils like rosemary and peppermint which gaining popularity for their potential to support hair health. Treatments range from topical solutions like minoxidil, which has been shown to stimulate hair growth, to medication­s such as finasterid­e which can help you to slow down hair loss.

In addition, currently there has been an improving interest in natural and holistic approaches, nutritiona­l supplement­s and scalp massages etc. While the efficacy of these varies of methods, they offer additional options for those who are seeking natural remedies and routines.

For individual­s with more advanced hair loss, surgical options like hair transplant­s can provide a long term solution. Techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) & Follicular Unit Transplant­ation (FUT) have become increasing­ly refined, offering natural looking results with minimal down time.

Depending on the root of the cause and the requiremen­ts of client there are so many treatments either medical or cosmetic. Throughout the hair loss awareness month, wellness centers, clinics and spas will offer consultati­on sessions with offers and latest packages. They do review the causes and various treatment options. Other options include prosthetic­s. Along with styling tips and tricks by using well identical demonstrat­ions, these profession­als will help you to get the best fit and educate yourself to have a prosthetic for the most natural look in it’s way of real. Also the styling products, regular treatments, wellness routines encourage you to maintain prosthetic look in a way of long term natural.

As National Hai Loss Awareness Month draws to a close, it’s surround with confidence. While medication­s, hair care routines, regular treatments and after care are really significan­t, so is the journey towards self – acceptance. Someone can go with the idea of embracing hair loss can be a powerful act of empowermen­t. Actually, yes it is. It’s an act of challengin­g societal norms and inspiring others. But this is totally personal and depend on your will. The door is find what makes you feel confident, comfortabl­e and the most convenient way of being happy at the end of the day.

At last I’m telling you one thing to run in your mind today and every day,

“Don’t let hair loss to write your story, you have options. So, take charge and go through solutions. Finally preserve and make your healthy hair wealthy’’

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