Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Softlogic Stockbroke­rs with Azure Openai Service enhances Stockgpt platform


Softlogic Stockbroke­rs, the full-service brokerage arm of Softlogic Capital PLC, has recently harnessed the power of Microsoft Azure Openai Service to introduce Stockgpt, an innovative AI tool designed to empower the financial services sector.

Microsoft Azure Openai Service is an advanced, fully managed service that empowers developers to seamlessly incorporat­e cutting-edge Openai models into their applicatio­ns. The service is designed to streamline the integratio­n process, offering a straightfo­rward and user-friendly Applicatio­n Programmin­g Interface (API) that simplifies the adoption of AI technologi­es. Hosted on Microsoft Azure, the service provides robust scalabilit­y and reliabilit­y that developers can leverage to deploy their AI applicatio­ns with confidence, without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastruc­ture.

Since its launch, Stockgpt has been analysing credible and publicly available sources, including listed companies’ annual reports, to provide actionable insights for investors. This rigorous approach ensures that users receive accurate and trustworth­y informatio­n, empowering them to make informed decisions. Furthermor­e, the continuous updates and enhancemen­ts introduced by Softlogic Stockbroke­rs to this AI model ensure that Stockgpt delivers the most relevant and timely informatio­n to its customers, thereby staying at the forefront of the dynamic market landscape.

“The Microsoft Azure Openai Service has been instrument­al in empowering our team at Softlogic Stockbroke­rs to push the boundaries of innovation. Its robust technologi­es have provided the foundation upon which Stockgpt stands, enabling us to deliver advanced solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients. In pursuing our vision to transform market research and enhance investor experience­s, our collective efforts have turned a visionary idea into a tangible reality,” said Softlogic Life Insurance Chief Digital Innovation Officer Saranga Wijayarath­ne.

Microsoft Sri Lanka and Maldives Country Manager Harsha Randeny said, “The adoption of Azure Openai Service by Softlogic Stockbroke­rs exemplifie­s the transforma­tive power of this technology.”

 ?? ?? Softlogic Stockbroke­rs Director/chief Executive Officer Dihan Dedigama, Softlogic Life Chief Digital Innovation Officer Saranga Wijayarath­ne and Microsoft Sri Lanka and Maldives Country Manager Harsha Randeny with Softlogic Stockbroke­rs and Microsoft Sri Lanka representa­tives
Softlogic Stockbroke­rs Director/chief Executive Officer Dihan Dedigama, Softlogic Life Chief Digital Innovation Officer Saranga Wijayarath­ne and Microsoft Sri Lanka and Maldives Country Manager Harsha Randeny with Softlogic Stockbroke­rs and Microsoft Sri Lanka representa­tives

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