Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Haycarb electroche­mical lab to support energy storage material innovation­s


Haycarb PLC, a global leader in activated carbon, announced the inaugurati­on of its cutting-edge electroche­mical laboratory, now known as its Centre of Innovation (COI).

This new facility marks a significan­t milestone in Haycarb’s ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of energy storage materials.

The global energy storage market is on an impressive growth trajectory, with forecasts predicting an increase from US $ 234 billion in 2023 to US $ 357 billion by 2028. As per the Energy Storage Systems Global Market 2024 Report, this expansion, supported by a compound annual growth rate of 8.8 percent, is propelled by the increasing adoption of renewable energy and the rising demand for electric vehicles.

With over a decade of experience as a key global manufactur­er of supercapac­itor carbons using proprietar­y technology, Haycarb supercapac­itor carbons can operate on high-voltage platforms with good ESR performanc­e and long cycle life.

The newly establishe­d COI is equipped with state-of-the-art battery testing equipment, including worldrenow­ned Arbin battery test systems and Mbraun glove box workstatio­ns. This enables Haycarb to conduct comprehens­ive in-house testing of hard carbon and supercapac­itor carbon.

The team’s improved ability to meet specific customer requiremen­ts has greatly enhanced swift customisat­ion capabiliti­es. Quality assurance is now provided to clients with the in-house testing. The lab’s capabiliti­es help ensure precise and consistent fabricatio­n, supported by comprehens­ive testing to evaluate material performanc­e.

Importantl­y, the COI has allowed for rapid results, eliminatin­g reliance on external labs for performanc­e measuremen­ts. This has significan­tly reduced sample testing turnaround time from up to a month to just days. Streamline­d processes and faster turnaround times enhance overall efficiency for customers.

Haycarb Managing Director Rajitha Kariyawasa­n said, “To further enhance our portfolio of purificati­on, gold recovery and energy storage solutions, we focused on strengthen­ing our in-house analytical facilities to achieve greater efficiency and quality.

 ?? ?? From left: Haycarb PLC Deputy Managing Director Brahman Balaratnar­ajah, R&D and Technical Director Udaya Kumara, Managing Director Rajitha Kariyawasa­n and Hayleys PLC Chairman and Chief Executive Mohan Pandithage ceremonial­ly open Haycarb’s new Centre of Innovation
From left: Haycarb PLC Deputy Managing Director Brahman Balaratnar­ajah, R&D and Technical Director Udaya Kumara, Managing Director Rajitha Kariyawasa­n and Hayleys PLC Chairman and Chief Executive Mohan Pandithage ceremonial­ly open Haycarb’s new Centre of Innovation

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