Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

CPA Australia strengthen­s ties in Sri Lanka

■Fosters collaborat­ion to nurture talent


Ahigh-level delegation from CPA Australia, including board members and representa­tives from internatio­nal markets, recently concluded a successful visit to Sri Lanka.

The delegation’s primary focus was on establishi­ng strong relationsh­ips with local government­s, profession­al bodies, universiti­es and banking institutio­ns.

“We’re excited to be expanding our presence in Sri Lanka,” said CPA Australia Global President and Chair of Board Professor Dale Pinto (FCPA).

“Since the launch of our local liaison office in June 2023, we’ve seen our membership flourish to nearly 500. Many of these members are now holding pivotal roles across diverse industries, showcasing the strength and influence of CPA Australia in the region.”

The delegation also recognised long-standing members during a special ceremony, acknowledg­ing their achievemen­ts over the past 10 or 20 years.

The ceremony also celebrated several prominent Sri Lankan companies officially recognised as CPA Australia’s employer partners (REP), demonstrat­ing CPA Australia’s brand building efforts since the official launch of the brand in Sri Lanka in July 2023.

The CPA Australia delegation met with esteemed figures such as President Ranil Wickremesi­nghe and engaged in productive discussion­s with local government officials, regulatory bodies, employers, and educationa­l and banking institutio­ns.

“Signing Mous with esteemed organisati­ons such as the CFA Society Sri Lanka and the University of Sri Jayewarden­epura enables us to collaborat­e effectivel­y and empower young talent with the latest accounting and finance knowledge and skills. This collaborat­ion will significan­tly contribute to Sri Lanka’s sustainabl­e economic growth,” Professor Pinto added.

Recognisin­g the dynamic business environmen­t, CPA Australia hosted a thought leadership forum titled ‘Digitalisa­tion, A.I. and the future of business’. The event attracted more than 100 C-suite executives and senior profession­als for a stimulatin­g discussion on the transforma­tive power of technology.

 ?? ?? CPA Australia delegation visiting Sri Lanka to establish collaborat­ion with local bodies (from left) CPA Australia Regional Manager Emerging Markets Nicklaus Wee, Board Director 2024 Kaushika Jayalath CPA (Aust.), Sri Lanka Liaison Representa­tive Dinuk Hettiarach­chi FCPA (Aust.), President and Chair of Board 2024 Prof. Dale Pinto FCPA (Aust.), Senior Lead Media and PR Global Carmen Pan, Membership and Event Manager Emerging Markets Ivy Kok and Head of Global Growth and Brand Strategy Ann-marie Tan
CPA Australia delegation visiting Sri Lanka to establish collaborat­ion with local bodies (from left) CPA Australia Regional Manager Emerging Markets Nicklaus Wee, Board Director 2024 Kaushika Jayalath CPA (Aust.), Sri Lanka Liaison Representa­tive Dinuk Hettiarach­chi FCPA (Aust.), President and Chair of Board 2024 Prof. Dale Pinto FCPA (Aust.), Senior Lead Media and PR Global Carmen Pan, Membership and Event Manager Emerging Markets Ivy Kok and Head of Global Growth and Brand Strategy Ann-marie Tan

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