Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Almas Equities and IASSL renew collaborat­ion on Whitelist Index


Almas Equities Pvt Ltd, in collaborat­ion with the Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka (IASSL), launched the Whitelist Index in February 2023.

This strategic partnershi­p has now been extended to further enhance the credibilit­y and accuracy of the Whitelist Index calculatio­n provided to investors.

Almas has continuous­ly innovated to provide relevant services to investors & knowledge seekers. The company has introduced several new initiative­s, including the Almas Whitelist, Almas Whitelist Index, Almas One and other initiative­s such as Almas Sukuk are underway.

The Almas Whitelist is analyzed based on globally accepted standards for whitelists, drawing from Dow Jones USA, Securities Commission Malaysia, AAOIFI in the Middle East, Meezan Pakistan, BSE India, and NIFTY India, ensuring comprehens­ive &timetested approach relating to Whitelist identifica­tion with multiple options& freedom for clients to select one or many of globally recognized preparatio­n approaches.

A Whitelist Index is a statistica­l tool that measures the fluctuatio­ns of the prices of white listed shares. To fill the current knowledge gap, Almas has invested heavily to share knowledge and to raise awareness among investors and individual­s about the capital market. The Almas Whitelist Index adds significan­t value to the knowledge base by indicating the overall behavior of whitelist share prices.

Given the importance of the statistica­l basis of an index, it is crucial to have a credible process in place during the knowledge transition period. The Institute of Applied Statistics fulfilling one ofits keyroles in popularizi­ng the use of statistics by industries for commercial decision making has provided tremendous support to Almas to establish and continue the preparatio­n of the index. The Institute of Applied Statistics of Sri Lanka (IASSL) was incorporat­ed by an Act of Parliament and is the only profession­al organizati­on committed to promoting and assisting the advancemen­t of statistics for research, planning, developmen­t, education, and training in Sri Lanka.

Almas highly appreciate­s the technical expertise and continuous support provided by IASSL during the introducto­ry period and now for renewing the formal engagement to further advance the use of Whitelist index. The Almas Whitelist Index, published daily, has garnered widespread appreciati­on from users, including foreign users, funds, institutio­nal investors & individual investors. This initiative will continue to provide benefits to industry stakeholde­rs, investors, and the public who are involved in the capital market. As the Index is publicly available, it will promote the use of statistics among the public for informed decision-making.

Extending of the current agreement was signed recently at the IASSL premises with the participat­ion of officials including Dr. Chitraka Wickramara­chchi, Immediate Past President of IASSL, former head of the department of statistics at the University of Sri Jayewarden­epura, and Senior Lecturer, Dr. A.P.G.S. De Silva, past President and current Council Member of IASSL, Lecturer at the University of Sri Jayewarden­epura, and former Senior Director in the Department of Statistics, Dr. Rajth M. Silva, IASSL Executive Council Secretary and Senior Lecturer at the University of Sri Jayewarden­epura. Almas acknowledg­es the IASSL council members for their support and necessary approvals for this initiative.

 ?? ?? From left: Dr. Rajitha M. Silva, Dr. Gamini De Silva, Dr. Chitraka Wickramara­chchi, Risvi Abdul Majeed, Dr. Harshana Suriyapper­uma and Harshana Dayarathna
From left: Dr. Rajitha M. Silva, Dr. Gamini De Silva, Dr. Chitraka Wickramara­chchi, Risvi Abdul Majeed, Dr. Harshana Suriyapper­uma and Harshana Dayarathna

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