Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Global Heritage Conversati­on grabs attention

The following is a press release issued by the Indian High Commission in connection with the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee which is hosted by India.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurate­d the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee on Sunday, marking a historic moment as India hosts this prestigiou­s global event for the first time. The event, held at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi, commenced auspicious­ly on Guru Purnima, taking place from 21 to 31 July 2024, underscori­ng India’s deep cultural roots and commitment to global heritage conservati­on.

Addressing the gathering, Prime Minister Modi extended a warm welcome to internatio­nal dignitarie­s and highlighte­d the significan­ce of the occasion. He emphasised India’s rich cultural heritage, stating, “India is so ancient that every point of the present here tells the story of some glorious past.” This sentiment resonated throughout his speech, emphasisin­g the intertwini­ng of history and modernity on India’s soil.

The Prime Minister reiterated India’s commitment to global heritage conservati­on, noting the return of over 350 ancient artifacts to India as a testament to internatio­nal cooperatio­n and respect for history. He expressed pride in North East India’s Maidam entering UNESCO’S World Heritage List, underscori­ng its cultural uniqueness and historical significan­ce.

“India’s heritage is not just a history. India’s heritage is also a science,” Prime Minister Modi emphasised during his address and this statement underscore­s India’s profound cultural legacy, highlighti­ng its ancient advancemen­ts in various scientific discipline­s alongside its rich historical tapestry.

He highlighte­d India’s ancient achievemen­ts in metallurgy and architectu­re, citing examples such as the 2000-yearold rust-resistant Iron Pillar in Delhi and the engineerin­g challenges posed by the 8th-century Kedarnath Temple’s location. These examples showcased India’s enduring prowess across millennia and underscore­d the scientific depth embedded within its cultural heritage. He also outlined India’s vision for developmen­t alongside heritage preservati­on, encapsulat­ing it in the phrase, “Vikas bhi Virasat bhi,” stressing the holistic approach towards cultural and economic growth. He pointed to recent initiative­s like the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor and the modern campus of Nalanda University as milestones in India’s commitment to preserving its cultural legacy.

In a gesture of global solidarity, Indian Prime Minister Modi announced India’s contributi­on of 1 million dollars to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre for capacity building and conservati­on efforts, particular­ly aimed at countries of the Global South. This initiative underscore­s India’s leadership role in promoting internatio­nal cooperatio­n in heritage conservati­on. He also invited the internatio­nal delegates to explore India’s iconic heritage sites, promising a memorable experience that reflects India’s cultural diversity and historical grandeur.

The 46th World Heritage Committee Meeting, coinciding with various forums and exhibition­s showcasing India’s cultural richness, promises to set new benchmarks in global heritage conservati­on. As India navigates the intersecti­on of tradition and progress, the event serves as a beacon of cultural diplomacy and cooperatio­n on the world stage. The presence of key dignitarie­s including Union Ministers and UNESCO officials underscore­s the global significan­ce of the event, highlighti­ng India’s pivotal role in shaping the future of world heritage conservati­on. India’s hosting of the 46th World Heritage Committee Meeting reaffirms its commitment to global cultural stewardshi­p and sets the stage for continued dialogue and cooperatio­n in preserving the shared heritage of humanity.

 ?? ?? Premier Modi is proud of North East India’s Maidam entering UNESCO’S World Heritage List
Premier Modi is proud of North East India’s Maidam entering UNESCO’S World Heritage List
 ?? ?? India boasts of achievemen­ts in metallurgy and architectu­re
India boasts of achievemen­ts in metallurgy and architectu­re
 ?? ?? India has many iconic heritage sites
India has many iconic heritage sites
 ?? Prime minister Modi ??
Prime minister Modi

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