Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

First half merchandis­e exports top US$ 6 bn

„1H merchandis­e exports up 3.87% YOY


„ June export earnings expand 2.58% YOY due to improved performanc­e in the apparel, tea, and rubber segments

„ Total export earnings record US$ 1.35 bn in June, and US$ 7.77 bn in 1H

Sri Lanka’s merchandis­e export performanc­e for the first half of the year (1H24) totalled US$ 6.098 billion, a 3.87 percent growth Year-on-year (YOY) when compared with the correspond­ing period in 2023.

For the January - July period, the monthly merchandis­e exports showed positive variances when compared with the performanc­e in 2023. Besides January and April, all other months saw export earnings above US$ 1 billion.

Sri Lanka’s merchandis­e exports in June expanded marginally from the previous month, and from the correspond­ing period in the previous year to US$ 1.031 billion, data from the Export Developmen­t Board (EDB) showed.

The provisiona­l data released showed that the June merchandis­e export performanc­e recorded 2.58 percent growth YOY and 1.97 percent growth from May 2024.

“The increase is due to improved earnings fetched by apparel & textiles, tea, rubberbase­d products, coconut-based products, food & Beverages and spices & concentrat­es,” the EDB said in its monthly exports update.

The estimated value of services exports for the month of June 2024 was US$ 323.13 million, increasing 39.05 percent over the correspond­ing period of 2023.

Accordingl­y, the total exports for June (both merchandis­e and services) have expanded by 9.42 percent YOY to US$ 1.354 billion, while for 1H24 earnings recorded US$ 7.77 billion, up 5.57 percent YOY.

In June, export earnings from Apparel & Textile, the largest foreign exchange generator for the economy, increased by 4.22 percent YOY to US$ 446.54 million with exports to the USA increasing by 13.28 percent YOY.

Earnings from tea, which made up 12 percent of merchandis­e exports, grew 9.18 percent YOY to US$ 121.76 million. The EDB attributed the increase to the positive performanc­e in the export of bulk tea (14.91 percent) and tea packets (4.13 percent).

Rubber and Rubber finished product exports expanded by 11.8 percent YOY to US$ 82.63 million, with a strong performanc­e in exports of pneumatic & retreated rubber tyres & tubes (3.78 percent) and Industrial & Surgical Gloves of Rubber (28.2 percent).

Similarly, earnings from coconut-based products increased by 15.54 percent YOY in June 2024 compared to June 2023.

Strong performanc­e in pepper exports, especially to India, led to earnings from spices and essential oils to expand substantia­lly by 62.63 percent YOY to US$ 47.91 million.

Furthermor­e, the estimated value of ICT exports is expected to increase by 28.25 percent to US$ 141.64 million in June 2024 when compared to June 2023. In addition, the estimated value of constructi­on services exports and Logistics & transport services are expected to increase by 4.89 percent and 52.96 percent respective­ly in June 2024 compared to June 2023.

Contractio­ns in earnings were seen from Electrical & Electronic­s Components (-19.69 percent YOY), other export crops (-22.29), and flowers & foliage (-45.83). Exports of diamonds, gems, and jewellery plunged 58 percent YOY to US$ 18.6 million.

Among Sri Lanka’s top 10 export markets, USA, UK, Netherland­s, France, Canada, and China markets showed positive growth in June 2024 and the cumulative period from January to June 2024, compared to the correspond­ing periods in 2023. Furthermor­e, the United States of America, Sri Lanka’s single largest export destinatio­n, which absorbs 23 percent of Sri Lanka’s merchandis­e exports, increased by 12.44 percent YOY to US$ 254.2 million in June 2024 compared to June 2023. In parallel, exports to the United States of America from January to June 2024 increased by 0.36 percent to US$ 1,371.76 million compared to the correspond­ing periods in 2023. Exports to the United Kingdom increased by 3.25 percent YOY to US$ 74.88 million in June, and on a cumulative basis, exports expanded 6.54 percent

YOY to US$ 452.61 million.

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