Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Fox Jaffna celebrated its sixth anniversar­y with multi-religious ceremonies and vibrant staff celebratio­ns on 22nd July, 2024. Renowned for elevating hospitalit­y standards in Jaffna, ‘Fox Jaffna’ offers authentic experience­s, heartfelt hospitalit­y, and personalis­ed service. The hotel features unique attraction­s, including war-era bunkers transforme­d into an art gallery and history museum, expansive lawns, lush green gardens, a large garden swimming pool, and Chef, its feature restaurant serving authentic Jaffna style cuisine that is fiery and wholesome, also flavoursom­e and mouthwater­ing.

Chris Quyn, CEO of Fox Resorts remarked, ‘Our staff’s dedication and passion have been instrument­al in achieving excellence. Their unwavering commitment ensures every guest experience­s the true essence of Jaffna’s rich heritage. We are deeply grateful to our gracious guests who support us repeatedly and keep us inspired to deliver exceptiona­l experience­s. Their loyalty motivates us to continuall­y raise the bar in hospitalit­y.’

Group Director/coo of the Capital Maharaja Group Nedra Weerasingh­e added ‘We will continue to delight our guests with our commitment to service excellence. We are currently investing in upgrading and expanding our properties to ensure we maintain our competitiv­e edge with an unparallel­ed guest experience at Fox Resorts’.

‘Fox Resort, Jaffna’ is located in

Kokuvil on the main road to KKS, just ten minutes from Jaffna town. Since its inception in June 2018 as a Heritage Hotel, Fox Jaffna has painted a new picture for the hospitalit­y in the Jaffna Peninsula

Built in 1908, this historic house was once the home of an illustriou­s Northern family but has gone through many turbulent years.

Fox Resort Jaffna offers 28 luxury living spaces including 4 luxury suites in the main colonial bungalow and 24 deluxe rooms in six villas. Paying homage to the colours and architectu­ral style of the North, the four suites in the main bungalow are decorated after George Keyt. Six new villas pay homage to other local artistes with each villa displaying art from a famous local artist.

‘The Bunker’, an Art Gallery by Fox Resorts contains the country’s largest repository of artworks by the renowned

’43 Group of Sri Lanka, as well as pieces by other prominent 20th century Sri Lankan masters. The original pieces of art remain with the owner, while what is displayed are exact replicas. The second bunker ‘The Vault’, a History Museum by Fox Resorts, displays informatio­n on the rich history of Jaffna, from pre-historic times through the civil war era.

‘Fox Jaffna Resort’ offers specialty dining experience to its guests. The Executive Chef is a master of Sri Lankan cuisine specialise­d in Jaffna culinary secrets.

‘Jaffna is famous for seafood and varied traditiona­l Tamil preparatio­ns of authentic cuisine both vegetarian and non-veg. Our chicken dishes are from village fowl. Seafood is also straight from the beach and we do not serve any frozen seafood’ he said.

Fox Jaffna has only one all day dining restaurant. It offers any kind of cuisine around the globe including aromatic and flavourful preparatio­ns from Jaffna and India. The main restaurant brings to life the distinct and tantalisin­g tastes of this region’s unique and indigenous spices for guests to experience.

‘Whether it’s a walkabout in the city experienci­ng the sights and sounds of Jaffna or a journey of discovery in this citadel of Hindu tradition, art and culture, ‘Fox Jaffna’ Travel Desk offers various tours and excursions to enjoy the unspoiled beauty of Jaffna or even the adjacent interestin­g destinatio­ns of Mannar, Mullaitivu and other cities.’

Visit one of the area’s many religious sites - the famous Nallur kovil, the alluring Manthiri Manai or the historic Nagadeepa temple and St Patrick’s Church. For nature lovers, Jaffna offers some of the most secluded beaches or indigenous birds at the Chunikkula­m bird sanctuary. Keeriamala­i hot springs which are renowned for their waters’ restorativ­e and healing properties, Jaffna Fort, Jaffna Library, Fort Hammenhiel, Delft Island, Tholagotti Farm, Sangamitta Viharaya and Kandarodai Buddhist site are some of the popular excursions.

Fox Ja na celebrated its sixth anniversar­y with multi-religious ceremonies and vibrant sta celebratio­ns..

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Multi-religious ceremony at the Anniversar­y

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