Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Jetwing Kaduruketh­a



Jetwing Kaduruketh­a, a pioneering agroeco luxury hotel that mirrors a traditiona­l Sri Lankan village, has proudly earned a place on the Wanderlust Travel Green List 2024. This prestigiou­s accolade underscore­s the resort’s steadfast commitment to sustainabi­lity and environmen­tal conservati­on, establishi­ng its position among the world’s foremost green destinatio­ns.

The Wanderlust Travel Green List 2024 is an annual recognitio­n of exceptiona­l sustainabl­e travel efforts. It highlights realistic, impactful improvemen­ts in everyday practices, celebratin­g those who embrace sustainabi­lity. Evaluated by a panel of experts, entries are assessed on carbon reduction, local employment and education, and biodiversi­ty support.

Featuring diverse global projects, the list aims to inspire travellers and communitie­s to make powerful, positive changes for a sustainabl­e future.

Set amidst lush paddy fields in the quiet village of Wellawaya, Jetwing Kaduruketh­a is an eco-resort that celebrates Sri Lanka’s traditiona­l way of life. Guests enjoy curated experience­s that celebrate local culture and the environmen­t. Guided paddy walks, Sri Lankan culinary demonstrat­ions with locally sourced ingredient­s, spice trails, and traditiona­l fishing expedition­s are just some of the enriching experience­s on offer.

With a focus on reviving traditiona­l heirloom rice varieties using organic and regenerati­ve practices, the high-quality crops grown in the property’s 50-acre estate foster a healthy ecosystem by promoting biodiversi­ty and mitigating climate change. Designed sustainabl­y, Jetwing Kaduruketh­a reflects a traditiona­l home garden, brimming with native and endemic plants. The property is a haven for diverse wildlife as well, including the elusive fishing cat, flying squirrel, baya weaver, and over 130 bird species, both native and migratory.

Going beyond environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, the resort integrates socio-economic sustainabi­lity into its operations. Jetwing Kaduruketh­a collaborat­es with 30 farming families, providing them with seed money at the start of the cultivatio­n season. Farmers are not required to repay this working capital post-harvest; instead, they share 50% of the harvest with the hotel while retaining the remainder for profit.

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