Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

United Motors Lanka PLC Announces the Appointmen­t of Mr. Arjuna Herath as an Independen­t Non-executive Director


United Motors Lanka PLC is pleased to announce the appointmen­t of Mr. Arjuna Herath as an Independen­t Nonexecuti­ve Director. Mr.

Herath brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the Board, having recently retired from Ernst & Young (EY), where he served as a Senior Partner and Head of Consulting for Sri Lanka and Maldives.

Mr. Herath’s distinguis­hed career includes roles such as Marketing Developmen­t

Manager at Ceylon Tobacco Company and Director Corporate Finance at Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka. His extensive experience is further highlighte­d by his service as a Board Member of the Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board and as a Commission­er of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka. He has also been a Member of the Company Law Advisory Commission and currently serves as a Director of the Colombo Stock Exchange and several other public listed and private companies.

A senior Chartered Accountant, Mr. Herath is a Past President of the Institute of Chartered Accountant­s of Sri Lanka. His involvemen­t in internatio­nal accounting forums is notable, having served as Past President of the South Asian Federation of Accountant­s and as a Board Member of the Confederat­ion of Asia Pacific Accountant­s. He made history as the first Sri Lankan to chair a Committee of the Internatio­nal Federation of Accountant­s (IFAC), serving as the Chair of the Profession­al Accountanc­y Organizati­on Developmen­t Committee of the IFAC.

Mr. Herath holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Colombo, an MBA from the University of Strathclyd­e in the United Kingdom, and a Master of Arts in Financial Economics from the University of Colombo. He is a fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant­s of Sri Lanka and a Chartered Global Management Accountant.

United Motors Lanka PLC Board of Directors:

The current Board of Directors of United Motors Lanka PLC includes; Mr. Devaka Cooray, Mr. Chanaka Yatawara, Mr. Ramesh Yaseen, Ms. Hiroshini Fernando, Mr. Stuart Chapman, Ms. Coralie Pietersz, Mr. Junya Takami, Mr. Thushara Jayasekara, Mr. Vish Govindasam­y and Mr. Arjuna Herath.

Each Member brings a unique set of skills and experience­s that are vital to the governance and strategic direction of United Motors Lanka PLC. We are committed to maintainin­g the highest standards of leadership and accountabi­lity to foster the Company’s growth and uphold our commitment to the community and stakeholde­rs.

 ?? ?? Arjuna Herath Independen­t Non-executive Director
Arjuna Herath Independen­t Non-executive Director

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