Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

NDB partners with Sri Lanka Inventors Commission


National Developmen­t Bank PLC as a part of its Sustainabi­lity initiative­s has recently entered into a partnershi­p with the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC) for the Sahasak Nimavum Project, which is a national competitio­n for Sri Lankan inventors and innovators .

The Sahasak Nimavum Project is a platform that invites students and adults from across the island to showcase their inventive talents. The provincial-level selections, which commenced in July 2024, will continue through August 2024, providing a unique opportunit­y for budding inventors to gain recognitio­n and support for their groundbrea­king ideas.

As a strategic partner, during the provincial programmes, NDB will be conducting sessions at each event that aim to advocate for sound financial management by educating participan­ts on how to effectivel­y manage their finances to support their future ventures. Additional­ly, aligned with the Bank’s commitment to empowering the youth, special focus will be given to NDB’S youth-focused ZEE account, designed to foster financial literacy and savings habits among young individual­s, reinforcin­g the Bank’s dedication to nurturing the next generation of leaders and innovators.

The selected inventors who advance to the national-level final competitio­n will receive invaluable support from SLIC, including facilitati­on in obtaining patents for their inventions, ensuring that their intellectu­al property is protected, and positionin­g them for future success.

SLIC, operating under the Ministry of Education, is instrument­al in facilitati­ng and promoting local innovation. It plays a vital role in fostering an innovative culture among school students through various programmes that offer knowledge sharing, capacity building, guidance from resource persons, and special benefits such as awareness of new technologi­es and financial, technical, legal, and marketing support for innovation.

NDB’S partnershi­p with SLIC for the Sahasak Nimavum Project is a testament to our ongoing commitment to empowering the youth and supporting innovation in Sri Lanka. We believe that by investing in the creativity and ingenuity of our young inventors, we are helping to build a brighter, more prosperous future for the entire nation.

 ?? ?? Official agreement signing between officials from NDB and SLIC
Official agreement signing between officials from NDB and SLIC

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