Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Melwa Hotels & Resorts only bidder to extend offer for Hotel Developers (Lanka)


The State-owned Enterprise Restructur­ing Unit (SOERU) announced that only one bidder has submitted an offer for the divestitur­e of shares held by the government in Hotel Developers (Lanka) Ltd (HDL), the owning company of The Colombo Hilton.

In a statement, the SOERU said that Melwa Hotels & Resorts (Pvt.) was the only bidder that submitted an offer.

This offer will be evaluated by the Special Project Committee (SPC) and Special Cabinet-appointed Negotiatin­g Committee (SPCANC), against the terms and conditions set out in the Request for Proposal (RFP) and in accordance with the special guidelines on divestitur­e of stateowned enterprise­s, as approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Melwa Hotels & Resorts was one of the two entities that were prequalifi­ed to put forward an offer. Following the call for Expression­s of Interest by the Finance Ministry from interested parties in October 2023, nine responses were received.

Subsequent to the SPC and

SPCANC evaluation, four bidders were pre-qualified for the RFP stage. Rfps were called for from the pre-qualified bidders on May 2, 2024. During the buy-side due diligence, two of the prequalifi­ed bidders withdrew from the divestitur­e process.

The deadline for the submission of proposals was July 10 and only Melwa Hotels & Resorts submitted an offer.

The SOERU said that during the evaluation process, the SPCANC has the mandate to further discuss this offer with the proposer. Thereafter, the recommenda­tion of the SPCANC would be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for its decision.

Colliers Internatio­nal Consultanc­y & Valuation (Singapore) Pte Ltd is the transactio­n advisor acting alongside the platinum advisors for this divestitur­e.

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