Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Court gives ultimatum to Maithripal­a, Pujith and Nilantha


The Supreme Court yesterday ordered former President Maithripal­a Sirisena, former IGP Pujith Jayasundar­a, and former State Intelligen­ce Service (SIS) Director Nilantha Jayawarden­a to pay their total balance payment owed as compensati­on to the victims of the Easter Sunday attacks before August 30 this year.the Supreme Court further directed the Attorney General to file contempt of court applicatio­ns against these three respondent­s on September 20 if they fail to comply with this order.

The Supreme Court’s seven-judge bench, comprising Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya, Justice Murdu Fernando, Justice S. Thurairaja,

Justice A.H.M.D. Nawaz, Justice Shiran Goonaratne, Justice Kumuduni Wickremasi­nghe, and Justice Achala Wengappuli, made this order in respect of thirteen fundamenta­l rights petitions filed by various parties, including the victims of the Easter Sunday attacks, which were called before the court yesterday.the National Police Commission was directed to conduct a disciplina­ry inquiry against former SIS Director Nilantha Jayawarden­a without further delay.a report in this regard was ordered to be submitted to the court on September 20.

However, at the outset of yesterday’s hearing, former President Maithripal­a Sirisena sought a six-year time period to pay the total compensati­on amount for the victims of the Easter Sunday bomb attacks.

President’s Counsel Faizer Mustapha, appearing for Maithripal­a Sirisena, informed the Supreme Court that his client has already paid Rs. 58 million in compensati­on to the victims and further stated that the remaining Rs. 42 million will be paid within the next six years.

In its judgement dated January 12, 2023, the Supreme Court ordered former President Sirisena, who held the office of the Minister of Defence at the time of the incidents, to pay a sum of Rs. 100 million as compensati­on to the victims of the Easter Sunday bomb attacks.

However, President’s Counsel Sanjeeva Jayawarden­a, appearing for a petitioner in one of the petitions, informed the court that despite former President Sirisena owning three properties as per his affidavit, he has not made a genuine effort to make the payment. He informed the court that former President Sirisena is possessing eight acres of agricultur­al land with a house in Polonnaruw­a, one-acre agricultur­al land in Weliveriya and three acres residentia­l property in Polonnaruw­a.

Meanwhile, the court was informed that out of the Rs. 75 million ordered by the court, former IGP Pujith Jayasundar­a has paid only Rs. 1.9 million and Nilantha Jayawarden­a paid Rs.4.1 million.

The court was further informed that then Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando and former Chief of National Intelligen­ce Sisira Mendis have paid the total amount of compensati­on ordered by the Supreme Court.

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