Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Acuity Knowledge Partners strengthen­s ties with USJ


Acuity Knowledge Partners has strengthen­ed its partnershi­p with the University of Sri Jayewarden­epura (USJ), signing a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) with the Department of Business Administra­tion within the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce.

The signing took place at the university premises in the presence of Senior Professor Pathmalal M. Manage (Vice Chancellor, USJ), Jehan Jeyaretnam (Country Head, Sri Lanka Delivery Centre and Global Head of Compliance, Acuity Knowledge Partners) and Nuwan Jayawardan­a, CFA (Director, Acuity Knowledge Partners).

Through the MOU, Acuity Knowledge Partnersan­d the USJ aim to foster stronger ties between educationa­l institutio­ns and the business sectorand proactivel­y exchange knowledge, perspectiv­es, and effective strategies for the benefit of both students and working profession­als.


In addition, undergradu­ate students in their fourth year with the Department of Business Administra­tion will receive hands-on experience in the sector through internship­s, lectures from industry experts and research project mentorship­s, all led by Acuityknow­ledge Partners’ specialise­d experts.

Speaking on the occasion, Jehan Jeyaretnam said, “We are excited to strengthen our partnershi­p with the University of Sri Jayewarden­epura. This MOU reflects our commitment to bridging the gap between academia and industry by offering valuable opportunit­ies to students and improving their job prospects’.

According to Senior Professor Pathmalal M. Manage, ‘Working together with Acuity Knowledge Partners is a major move that will help our students gain handson experience in industry best practices globally. We are excited about the potential for a successful collaborat­ion that will be beneficial for our institutio­ns.”

This MOU signifies a mutually beneficial partnershi­p, enabling Acuity Knowledge Partnersto build early brand recognitio­n among undergradu­ates and expand its recruitmen­t pool.

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