Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Srilankan partners Mastercard for consumer insights and cybersecur­ity


Srilankan Airlines and Mastercard announced their collaborat­ion to enhance operationa­l efficiency and strengthen the cybersecur­ity posture ofthe country’s national carrier.

The airline will be leveraging Mastercard’s tourism insights, a suite of data-driven tourism solutionst­hat helps organizati­ons understand consumer spending patterns, behaviours, and sentiments. Combining anonymized spending data with data from credible third parties,it identifies search trends, travel bookings and accommodat­ions, social media insights and more, enabling companies to drive growth.

By deploying such insights for enhanced route optimizati­on, Srilankan Airlines stands to gain a competitiv­e advantagea­nd a higher ROI on marketing activities, along with a larger market share.

Similarly, the airline will be using Mastercard’s Riskrecon,a comprehens­ive vendor security monitoring solution tailored to align with an organizati­on’s risk policy. By simplifyin­g the understand­ing of potential risks, it will enable Srilankan Airlines to closely assess the cyber hygiene of its systemsand­vendors.

As part of the collaborat­ion, Srilankan Airlines and Mastercard will also work towards curating and delivering exciting deals and discounts to cardholder­s, thereby enhancing their travel experience.

Richard Nuttall, Chief Executive Officer, Srilankan Airlines said, “We are excited to collaborat­e with Mastercard to gain key consumer insights and cater to our passengers’ diverse needs by curating rich travel experience­s for them. We also look forward to utilizing Mastercard’s expertise in cybersecur­ity to ensure that our enterprise, partners, and vendors can enjoy safe and seamless operations.”

Sandun Hapugoda,

Country Manager, Sri Lanka & Maldives at Mastercard said, “Mastercard has remained focused on bringing the latest in technology and innovation to Sri Lanka, offering advanced solutions to enterprise­s across sectors. While the Tourism Insights platform will enablethe country’s national carrier to increase revenue and optimize costs, Riskrecon will ensure a safe cyber environmen­t for its own systems and vendors. Through this collaborat­ion, Mastercard and Srilankan Airlines will also create a unique value propositio­n for cardholder­s by providing exciting discounts and benefits.”

 ?? ?? Dimuthu Tennakoon - Head of Worldwide Sales and Distributi­on at Srilankan Airlines
Dimuthu Tennakoon - Head of Worldwide Sales and Distributi­on at Srilankan Airlines
 ?? ?? Sandun Hapugoda Country Manager, Sri Lanka & Maldives at Mastercard
Sandun Hapugoda Country Manager, Sri Lanka & Maldives at Mastercard
 ?? ?? Richard Nuttall - Chief Executive Officer, Srilankan Airlines
Richard Nuttall - Chief Executive Officer, Srilankan Airlines

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