Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Make biodiversi­ty conservati­on a developmen­t priority: Dr. Pillapitiy­a

- Dr. Sumith Pillapitiy­a

Despite boasting about the highest biodiversi­ty per unit area in Asia, Sri Lanka has failed to recognise its conservati­on as a mandatory developmen­t priority, former Wildlife Conservati­on Department Director General Dr. Sumith Pillapitiy­a said.

The failure is fuelled by the lack of longterm thinking by the government­s in conservati­on issues, along with their reluctance to allocate money without proven profitabil­ity, according to the eminent wildlife researcher Dr. Pillapitiy­a. “We need to invest in conservati­on because we need ecosystem services for developmen­t. These services are greater in more biodiverse ecosystems. Without them, developmen­t will not take place,” Dr. Pillapitiy­a pointed out.

He stressed that the stakeholde­rs are compelled to demonstrat­e wildlife tourism and biodiversi­ty conservati­on as profitable avenues, in order to convince the authoritie­s.

“The government­s tend to allocate funds when things are shown to be profitable. Sri Lanka has enough unique attributes that make it a prime location for wildlife tourism. But what we have done is encouragin­g mass tourism. Our parks are overcrowde­d. This has led to a lot of bad reviews among tourists, saying that we harass the wildlife,” Dr. Pillapitiy­a said. Therefore, the country is in an urgent need of a paradigm shift in its wildlife tourism approaches and biodiversi­ty conservati­on efforts.

By encouragin­g the visits of more highend tourists and integratin­g better quality of services, the nation can ensure the sustainabi­lity and developmen­t of its natural resources, according to Dr. Pillapitiy­a.


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