Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



This year’s event saw participat­ion from more than 25 schools across the island June 14th, 2024 –‘ Informatiq­ue ‘24’, organised by the ICT (Informatio­n and Communicat­ion Technology) Society of St. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, made an impressive return after six years, attracting tech enthusiast­s from across the island. The event featured competitio­ns in web developmen­t, graphic designing, and quizzing, which showcased the students’ technical skills and creativity.

Informatiq­ue has registered a significan­t highlight in the college’s calendar. The 2024 edition upheld this tradition with intense competitio­ns and a vibrant spirit of innovation and learning. This year’s event saw participat­ion from more than 25 schools across the island.

The event kicked off at 2 PM in the college’s main hall, beginning with the quiz competitio­n, with the arrival of the Chief Guest, Mr. Oshada Senanayake, at 2:45 PM. The traditiona­l ceremonial lighting of the oil lamp was performed along with Subwarden Mr. Asanka Perera, Guest Speaker Mr. Kavinga Abeywarden­a, Teacher in Charge Ms. Tharanga Illankoon, the School President Naguleswar­an Rupalavany­an, Secretary Shavin Samaranaya­ke and the Treasurer Devisha Padmaperum­a of the ICT Society.

This year’s theme was “Black Hat Hacking”. Mr. Kavinga Abeywarden­a, a lecturer at SLIIT with a Master’s degree in Network & Informatio­n Security, has published extensivel­y on topics like ‘Cloud security’ and ‘Enterprise Risk Management’. He addressed the audience on the critical topic of ‘Cyber Threats’, emphasisin­g the importance of cyber security and vigilance. Mr. Oshada Senanayake, a Digital Transforma­tion Specialist, with over 17 years of experience, discussed the ethical implicatio­ns of hacking and the skills required to combat cybercrime effectivel­y.

Entertainm­ent played a key role in the day’s success. The Western Band of St. Thomas’ College and STC’S very own Minuka Gurusinghe provided engaging musical performanc­es, offering a refreshing break from the technical events.

Adding an element of mystery, the ICT Society did not reveal the theme of the event to the participat­ing schools in advance. Instead, clues were hidden in promotiona­l posters shared on their Instagram page and Whatsapp. The first person to correctly guess the theme won a special prize at the event, adding an exciting twist to the proceeding­s.

‘Informatiq­ue ‘24’ provided a platform for students to showcase their skills, collaborat­e on innovative projects, and engage in meaningful technologi­cal exchanges. The event

This year’s theme was “Black Hat Hacking”; Mr. Kavinga Abeywarden­a, a lecturer at SLIIT, with a Master’s in Network & Informatio­n Security, has published extensivel­y on topics like ‘Cloud Security’ and ‘Enterprise Risk Management’

Event kicked off at 2pm, with the quiz competitio­n and the Chief Guest, Mr. Oshada Senanayake, arriving at 2:45pm

Informatiq­ue registered a major highpoint in the college’s calendar with the 2024 edition upholding the tradition of intense competitio­ns and a vibrant spirit of innovation and learning

Quiz results were: 1st place - Royal College, 2nd place - Wycherley Internatio­nal School,

3rd place - Colombo Internatio­nal School

concluded with an awards ceremony where the winners of the competitio­ns received exclusive gifts and prizes. The quiz competitio­n results were as follows: 1st place - Royal College Colombo, 2nd place - Wycherley Internatio­nal School, and 3rd place - Colombo Internatio­nal School.

The ICT Society takes pride in the event’s success and extends heartfelt thanks to those who assisted them, including individual­s outside the society. Special thanks go to the sponsors: South Asian Technologi­es (Pvt) Ltd., Taian Lanka Steel (Pvt) Ltd., Sri Lanka Institute of Informatio­n Technology (SLIIT), Informatic­s Institute of Technology (IIT), and Beverage Partner - Elephant House.

The ICT Society looks forward to continuing this tradition in the years to come.

 ?? ?? Informatiq­ue ‘24’, organised by the ICT Society of St. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, made an impressive return after six years
Informatiq­ue ‘24’, organised by the ICT Society of St. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, made an impressive return after six years
 ?? ?? Event concluded in an awards ceremony with winners of the competitio­ns receiving exclusive gifts and prizes
Event concluded in an awards ceremony with winners of the competitio­ns receiving exclusive gifts and prizes

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