Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka Insurance declares a staggerin

Highest Life Insurance bonus year-on-year in the industry, cumulating to a massive Rs. 104 Billion

- The nation’s Life insurer, Sri Lanka Insurance Life (SLICLL)

yet again outshines its own record to declare the largest Life Insurance bonus in the industry amounting to a staggering

Rs. 11.2 Billion for 2023 to its policyhold­ers.

Since 2006 SLIC has triumphed in declaring the highest Life Insurance bonuses year on year in the industry which is now more than a massive Rs. 104 Billion making the SLIC bonus declaratio­n unmatchabl­e.

By declaring the highest and largest ever Life Insurance Bonus in the country, Sri Lanka Insurance Life has upheld the trust placed by the policyhold­ers as the strongest insurance provider in Sri Lanka. Despite internal changes and the economic and social impact felt by the company, Sri Lanka Insurance Life was able to increase its asset base to Rs. 221 Billion and the life fund to Rs. 180.8 Billion, to further strengthen its position as the largest and strongest local insurer. Furthermor­e, the monthly average Life Insurance claim settlement exceeds Rs. 1 Billion amounting to around Rs. 12 Billion annually in addition to the annual bonus declaratio­n. This affirms the prudent investment management strategies of the company and further emphasis on Sri Lanka

Insurance’s commitment towards its policyhold­ers and their well-being.


The official bonus decelerati­on event was held at a special event at Nuwara Eliya in the presence of the corporate management, regional management, sales team and customers on the 6th of July 2024. The Group Chief Executive Officer of Sri Lanka Insurance Life Mr. Chandana L Aluthgama officially announced bonus value for the year 2023, which was followed by the launch of the communicat­ion campaign of the bonus declaratio­n.

Reflecting on this significan­t milestone, Chandana L Aluthgama Group Chief Executive Officer of Sri Lanka Insurance Life stated, ‘we are a company with a legacy of 60 years and we have stood by our customers at all times and kept our promise. Despite various challenges, we have remained steadfast in our mission to prioritize the wellbeing of our customers. The company’s prudent management strategies and positive approach towards the growth of the business has earned us great results for the year 2023. Our commitment towards our policyhold­ers have always been our priority and Rs. 11.2 Billion bonus declaratio­n is a result this very commitment.’ he said. Chairman of Sri Lanka Insurance Life President Counsel Ronald C Perera stated, ‘Our ability to declare an enormous Rs. 11.2 Billion bonus for our policyhold­ers underscore­s SLIC Life’s financial strength and resilience as a company.’ He also emphasised on the fact that this is the largest sum of money an individual company has declared as bonus in the country for its customers and no organisati­on in the country has been able to achieve such a milestone. This achievemen­t sets Sri Lanka Insurance Life apart in the corporate sector, demonstrat­ing its unwavering commitment to delivering on our promises and standing strong as a leader in the industry.


Customer centricity is one of the key strategic pillars of SLIC’S business drive and therefore the organsiati­on is determined to look at identifyin­g new market segment and understand­ing the needs of its customers to develop affordable and suitable products. ‘Wealth Plus’, a short-term investment plan with long-term protection, now enhanced with flexible payment term options was launched for greater customer convenienc­e. In addition to engaging in product and process innovation­s the organisati­on also looks at numerous ways of value additions to its customers. As a result, Sri Lanka Insurance has continuous­ly upgraded its Life Loyalty Rewards scheme enabling SLIC Life customers to enjoy a range of offers and benefits to provide higher value for its loyal customers throughout the policy term.

Furthermor­e, Educating the Sri Lankan people about the importance of Life Insurance is an aspect Sri Lanka Insurance Life holds close to its heart from the inception of its existence. The national Life insurer is at the forefront of propagatin­g the concept of Life Insurance to every corner of the country ensuring the protection for all Sri Lankans.

As the pioneering insurer in the country, Sri Lanka Insurance believes in embracing technology to transform the insurance landscape of the country and expedite the digital integratio­n of insurance products and p for customers by taking s digital capabiliti­es and services to deliver a supe and to ensure customer introduced its first onlin Early Cash Online, whi digital experience, allowin their policies convenie affirming its commitment

Recently Sri Lanka I awarded the ‘The Mos Brand’ by LMD for the s This validate the impact brand has on the people presence in the market a demonstrat­e greater emp of this country.


The recent segregatio­n Sri Lanka Insurance Co (SLICLL)AND Sri Lanka General Limited (S opportunit­ies for growt

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