Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Are Nawala/ Nugegoda power disruption­s a sabotage?


For the past two to three weeks we have experience­d sudden disruption­s in power supply regularly and when power returns it causes irreparabl­e damage to electrical appliances.

If we are given prior notice, then we can to an extent avoid the damage but not when they come at a random. The public who are clients of Leco and CEB are not to be taken for granted as they are at the “MERCY” of the power suppliers. If we clients delay to pay our dues they promptly disconnect the supply and impose a penalty to reinstall. Is the “public their servants or are they our servants?” Time is right to make them accountabl­e by “LAW”.

How do they expect small businesses such as those involved in printing, photo copying, selling small electrical equipment, small manufactur­ing plants, making cakes and sweets survive? Don’t they have the right to survive?

The public have “LOST”, confidence in Leco and the CEB! Privatisin­g is the solution but not selling our assets to Foreign Companies as we will be jumping from the frying pan to the fire. Why can’t the government permit local small businesses to provide power to the public under the supervisio­n of the Public Utilities Commission and an ombudsman? Giving opportunit­ies to foreign companies is a big challenge as they could hold the whole country to ransom at times when their relationsh­ip is strained. In subtle language it will encourage “ËSPIONAGE”.

Perhaps let us hope that commonsens­e and sanity will prevail when government­s change with the so called “SYSTEM CHANGE”. NIHAL DE ALWI

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