Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Wins Bronze for Best Investor Relations at CFA Society Sri Lanka Capital Market Awards 2024


Sri Lanka's leading private sectorcomm­ercial bank, HNB PLC, was honored with the prestigiou­s Bronze Award for Best Investor Relations at the recently concluded CFA Society Sri Lanka Capital Market Awards 2024. The accolade underscore­s HNB'S unwavering commitment to fostering transparen­t and effective communicat­ion with the investor community, setting a benchmark for investor relations (IR) practices in the Country.

The Best Investor Relations Award recognizes companies that exemplify best practices in investor relations. This includes ensuring active engagement with the investor community and ensuring high standards of transparen­cy, accessibil­ity, and responsive­ness. HNB was selected based on its exceptiona­l IR practices, including the quality and fairness of disclosure­s, the consistenc­y of its IR function across varying economic conditions, and the accessibil­ity of its management team.

Expressing gratitude for the recognitio­n, HNB AGM - Strategy, Priyankawi­jayaratnes­aid: “Robust investor relations are fundamenta­l to building trust and fostering longterm relationsh­ips with our stakeholde­rs. We are deeply honored to receive the Bronze award for Best Investor Relations from the CFA Society Sri Lanka. This marks the fourth time HNB has been recognized by CFA Society Sri Lanka for best practices in investor relations and reaffirms our commitment to maintainin­g transparen­t and proactive communicat­ion with our investors and all stakeholde­rs.”

The evaluation process for the award involved a comprehens­ive survey of analysts from stockbroki­ng firms, fund managers, and institutio­nal investors, who ranked companies based on various criteria, including the accessibil­ity and responsive­ness of the management, the quality, transparen­cy, and fairness in disclosure­s, and the overall consistenc­y of the IR function. The recognitio­n from such a distinguis­hed panel of judges is a testament to HNB’S dedication to upholding the highest standards in investor relations.

The bank’s efforts to ensure the availabili­ty of management for investor inquiries, the quality of its financial disclosure­s, and its proactive engagement during both positive and challengin­g economic conditions have contribute­d towards this recognitio­n CFA Society Sri Lanka's judging panel also highlighte­d the increasing trend of companies like HNB making their analyst forums and briefings accessible online, thereby enhancing the reach and effectiven­ess of their investor communicat­ions.

Founded in 2001, CFA Society Sri Lanka is a notfor-profit organizati­on supporting the profession­al developmen­t and advancemen­t of CFA charter holders and candidates. It consists of a membership count of over 275 including CEOS, CFOS, portfolio managers, equity analysts, banking profession­als, investment advisors, and other senior-ranking financial practition­ers and over 300 candidates, mainly in the financial sector.

With 254 customer centres, HNB is one of Sri Lanka's largest, most technologi­cally innovative private banks. Consolidat­ing its legacy in sustainabi­lity, good governance, and corporate excellence, HNB was crowned the Best Corporate Citizen for 2022 at the Ceylon

Chamber of Commerce Best Corporate Citizen Awards. Other significan­t accolades include being adjudged the "Best Retail Bank in Sri Lanka" for the 14th occasion by the Asian Banker, being declared the "Best SME Bank" by Asiamoney Magazine, being awarded the Sri Lanka Technology Excellence Award for Robotics – Banking at the Asian Technology Excellence awards 2023, for integratio­n of Robotic Process Automation in its Custody Banking and Trustee Services, as well as securing a Top 5 position on Business Today's Top 40 rankings for 2023.

HNB was ranked among Sri Lanka's Top 10 Most Admired companies in 2022 by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s, Chartered Institute of Management Accountant­s, and the Internatio­nal Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka. HNB was also recognized for its service excellence in trade services at the Euromoney Awards, taking home the prestigiou­s titles of Best Market Leader in Trade Finance Services and Best Services Provider in Trade Finance Services

The Best Investor Relations Award recognizes companies that exemplify best practices in investor relations. This includes ensuring active engagement with the investor community and ensuring high standards of transparen­cy, accessibil­ity, and responsive­ness. HNB was selected based on its exceptiona­l IR practices, including the quality and fairness of disclosure­s, the consistenc­y of its IR function across varying economic conditions, and the accessibil­ity of its management team.

 ?? ?? HNB AGM – Strategy Priyankawi­jayaratne (third from left) receiving the award from Colombo Stock Exchange Chairman Dilshanwir­asekara (second from left) in the presence of (from left) CFA Chair of the Investor Relations Award Committee, Nishendrah­erath and CFA Chief Executive Officer, Arunaalwis.
HNB AGM – Strategy Priyankawi­jayaratne (third from left) receiving the award from Colombo Stock Exchange Chairman Dilshanwir­asekara (second from left) in the presence of (from left) CFA Chair of the Investor Relations Award Committee, Nishendrah­erath and CFA Chief Executive Officer, Arunaalwis.
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