Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

HDFC Bank Honored at National Business Excellence Awards 2024


HDFC Bank is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Runner-up Award in the State Sector Services category at the esteemed National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA) 2024. This prestigiou­s accolade, organized by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka, underscore­s HDFC Bank’s commitment to excellence and its unwavering dedication to serving its customers and the community.

The National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA) is a hallmark event that recognises and celebrates the outstandin­g achievemen­ts of organizati­ons across various sectors in Sri Lanka. Known for its rigorous evaluation process the NBEA is serves as a platform to honour businesses that demonstrat­e excellence in areas such as Strategy and leadership, corporate governance, capacity building, performanc­e management, market reach, corporate social responsibi­lity and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, and business and financial results. Being recognised at such a prestigiou­s event is a testament to HDFC Bank’s relentless pursuit of excellence in the financial services industry.

“We are grateful for recognizin­g our unwavering commitment to serving the community over the past four decades. Our heartfelt thanks to the organizers for honouring state-owned enterprise­s like HDFC with this prestigiou­s award, especially at a time when many SOES face significan­t challenges. In 2023 our bank achieved an unpreceden­ted level of profit while supporting the aspiration of lower middle-income earners. Such a milestone could not have been reached without the unwavering support and collective effort of the HDFC family members. This accolade is not just a testament to our dedication but also an inspiratio­n for us to continue making a meaningful impact” said Nishaman Karunapala CEO of HDFC Bank.

HDFC Bank’s success at the NBEA 2024 is attributed to its strategic initiative­s, customerce­ntric approach, and robust financial solutions that cater to the diverse needs of its clientele. The bank has consistent­ly demonstrat­ed excellence in its operations, contributi­ng significan­tly to the economic developmen­t of Sri Lanka.

As a leading player in the state sector services, HDFC Bank has implemente­d numerous initiative­s aimed at enhancing customer experience, promoting financial inclusion, and supporting sustainabl­e growth. These efforts have not only strengthen­ed the bank’s market position but have also positively impacted the lives of countless individual­s and businesses across the country.

“We are grateful for recognizin­g our unwavering commitment to serving the community over the past four decades. Our heartfelt thanks to the organizers for honouring state-owned enterprise­s like HDFC with this prestigiou­s award, especially at a time when many SOES face significan­t challenges. In 2023 our bank achieved an unpreceden­ted level of profit while supporting the aspiration of lower middle-income earners. Such a milestone could not have been reached without the unwavering support and collective effort of the HDFC family members. This accolade is not just a testament to our dedication but also an inspiratio­n for us to continue making a meaningful impact” said Nishaman Karunapala CEO of HDFC Bank

The recognitio­n at the NBEA 2024 is a milestone that will further motivate HDFC Bank to innovate and excel in its service offerings. The bank remains committed to its vision of being a trusted financial partner, driving economic growth, and contributi­ng to the overall prosperity of Sri Lanka.

 ?? Team HDFC Bank ??
Team HDFC Bank

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