Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Logicare Shines at NBEA Awards: A Triumph in Logistics Excellence


Logicare Private Limited has been honored as the Runner-up in the Logistics and Transporta­tion Sector at the National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA) 2024. This prestigiou­s recognitio­n, awarded at the awards ceremony on June 20th at the Shangri-la Hotel in Colombo, marks a significan­t milestone for Logicare, a company that has swiftly risen to prominence in just five years since its inception.

Winning the Runner-up award at the NBEA 2024 is a testament to Logicare’s relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and sustainabi­lity. This accolade celebrates the company’s achievemen­ts and reinforces its position as a leading logistics and supply chain solutions provider in Sri Lanka. As Logicare continues to set benchmarks in the logistics industry, it remains dedicated to delivering exceptiona­l value to its clients, fostering a culture of continuous improvemen­t, and contributi­ng positively to the broader community and environmen­t. This award is not just a recognitio­n of past achievemen­ts but a promise of continued excellence in the future.

From the very beginning, Logicare set out with a clear vision: to become the leading logistics and supply chain solutions provider in Sri Lanka. This vision has been the driving force behind every strategic decision and operationa­l process, ensuring that Logicare consistent­ly delivers exceptiona­l value to its clients. This commitment is not just a statement but a deeply ingrained philosophy. It is reflected in Logicare’s robust operationa­l strategies and innovative approaches, which are designed to meet the unique logistics needs of each client while adding value at every step.

One of the key innovation­s that underscore Logicare’s dedication to operationa­l excellence is the integratio­n of advanced Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and the developmen­t of the Loginext Transporta­tion Management System (TMS). These cutting-edge systems have revolution­ized Logicare’s operations, significan­tly boosting efficiency and productivi­ty. This technologi­cal advancemen­t has enabled Logicare to streamline its processes and significan­tly enhance customer satisfacti­on.

Logicare’s strategic vision is built on the pillars of agility, creativity, simplicity, and integrity. The company’s mission to create a technology-driven digital supply chain platform has positioned it at the forefront of the logistics industry, providing clients with scalable, responsive, and efficient logistics solutions. Embracing innovation is central to Logicare’s strategy. The company continuall­y invests in cutting-edge technologi­es and processes to stay ahead in a competitiv­e market.

At the heart of Logicare’s success is its dedicated and skilled workforce. The company places a strong emphasis on employee developmen­t, offering structured training programs, hands-on mentoring, and continuous learning opportunit­ies. Logicare’s leadership fosters a culture of collaborat­ion, innovation, and excellence, empowering employees to contribute to the company’s strategic objectives. Investing in people is essential for sustained success. Logicare’s comprehens­ive employee developmen­t programs ensure that its workforce is well-equipped, motivated, and aligned with the company’s vision and mission.

Logicare is not only committed to operationa­l excellence and innovation but also to sustainabi­lity and environmen­tal stewardshi­p. Sustainabi­lity is a core value at Logicare, driving the company to implement eco-friendly initiative­s that benefit both the environmen­t and the community.

Upon winning the award, Saminda Deshapriya, Director/ceo of Logicare, said, “This award is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our entire team. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence in logistics, ensuring that we continue to deliver outstandin­g value to our clients and stakeholde­rs.”

Logicare’s achievemen­t at the NBEA Awards is a significan­t milestone, underscori­ng the company’s relentless pursuit of operationa­l excellence, innovation, and sustainabi­lity in the logistics industry. It highlights the company’s ability to consistent­ly meet and exceed industry standards through innovative practices and strategic vision. This recognitio­n also reinforces Logicare’s position as a trusted partner in logistics and supply chain management. Moving forward, Logicare remains focused on driving growth and setting new benchmarks for excellence.

 ?? Team Logicare ??
Team Logicare
 ?? ?? (From Left to Right) – Saminda Deshapriya (Director/ceo), Rasheedah Amath (Executive Sales and Marketing), Kashun Abeywardan­e (General Manager)
(From Left to Right) – Saminda Deshapriya (Director/ceo), Rasheedah Amath (Executive Sales and Marketing), Kashun Abeywardan­e (General Manager)
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