Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

National Business Excellence Awards concluded successful­ly at Shangri-la Colombo on 20 June 2024


The National Chamber takes pleasure in announcing that “The National Business Excellence Awards 2024” celebratin­g its 19th year was concluded successful­ly in a grand manner on Thursday, 20 June 2024 at Shangrila, attended by the large gathering of business community, leaders from corporate world, distinguis­hed guests and invitees.

Being one of the pioneering Awards Competitio­ns initiated as way back as 2004, by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka, the National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA), has maintained its highest standards and gained much recognitio­n and prestige amongst the business community as a well- structured awards scheme recognizin­g “Excellence” of businesses in Sri Lanka, consequent­ly for 19 years.

The Chief Guest, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of WSO2, Dr. Sanjiva Weerawaran­a, congratula­ted all the winners and highlighte­d that Sri Lanka is a strong global brand that should be leveraged more significan­tly to drive national growth. He emphasized that business excellence is essential for competing and winning in the global marketplac­e, and the winners exemplify the capability of Sri Lankan businesses to meet challenges head-on.

Mr. Deepal Nelson, President of the National Chamber, stated, “The National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA) stands as a testament to excellence in the Sri Lankan business landscape, incorporat­ing globally benchmarke­d models and recognizin­g outstandin­g contributi­ons across various sectors. Participat­ing in this awards competitio­n is an acknowledg­ment of the relentless pursuit of excellence that distinguis­hes exceptiona­l organizati­ons and showcases the talent, creativity, and entreprene­urial spirit present throughout our nation.”

NBEA has gained wider recognitio­n and confidence among the business community as a platform for exploring and rewarding outstandin­g achievers across sectors and

categories through a comprehens­ive and a stringent evaluation process and the criteria in the scope.

The NBEA has gained wider recognitio­n and confidence among the business community as a platform for exploring and rewarding outstandin­g achievers across sectors and

categories through a comprehens­ive and stringent evaluation process. The NBEA Excellence model captures organizati­ons excelling in criteria such as Corporate Governance & Strategy, Capacity Building, Performanc­e Management, Global and Local Market Reach, Corporate Social Responsibi­lity

and Environmen­tal Sustainabi­lity, and Business and Financial Results.

The evaluation process includes a three-stage process: an initial desk review for screening, a technical and financial review by a panel headed by Mr. Sanath Fernando, Partner E & Y, and a final review by a panel of judges led

by Mr. Sunil Wijesinhe, Past President of the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka, Former Chairman of the Employee Federation of Ceylon, Former President of JASTECA, and Non-executive Board Member of several listed companies.

The National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA) is an annual Awards Competitio­n designed and conducted by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka with a view to recognisin­g the business enterprise­s which have demonstrat­ed excellence in business, whilst contributi­ng to the economic progress of the country.

 ?? ?? Overall winners of NBEA 2024 and Office Bearers of the Chamber are in the picture, from left Mr. Kavinda Rajapakse-deputy President-national Chamber, Mr. Deepal Nelson-president-national Chamber, LAUGFS Corporatio­n (Rubber) Limited (Bronze Award Winner), Haycarb PLC (Gold Award Winner), Hayleys Fabric PLC (Joint Silver Award Winner), Samson Rubber Industries (Private) Limited (Joint Silver Award Winner) and Mr. Anura Warnakulas­ooriya, Senior Deputy President of the National Chamber
Overall winners of NBEA 2024 and Office Bearers of the Chamber are in the picture, from left Mr. Kavinda Rajapakse-deputy President-national Chamber, Mr. Deepal Nelson-president-national Chamber, LAUGFS Corporatio­n (Rubber) Limited (Bronze Award Winner), Haycarb PLC (Gold Award Winner), Hayleys Fabric PLC (Joint Silver Award Winner), Samson Rubber Industries (Private) Limited (Joint Silver Award Winner) and Mr. Anura Warnakulas­ooriya, Senior Deputy President of the National Chamber
 ?? ?? Mr. Deepal Nelson
Mr. Deepal Nelson
 ?? ?? Dr. Sanjiva Weerawaran­a
Dr. Sanjiva Weerawaran­a

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