Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Hayleys Consumer Products Triumphs at National Business Excellence Awards 2024


Hayleys Consumer Products Limited, the consumer goods arm of the Hayleys Group, achieved significan­t success at the National Business Excellence Awards 2024 by winning the ‘Winner - Extra Large Category - Excellence in Business & Financial Results,’ ‘Winner – Trading Sector,’ and ‘Merit - Large Category’ awards.

Hayleys Consumer has establishe­d itself as a key player in the Sri Lankan consumer goods sector, offering a diverse portfolio across personal care, healthcare, baby care, and food and beverages spaces. A portfolio of world-leading brands, including Proctor & Gamble (P&G) products: Head & Shoulders, Gillette, Whisper, Olay, Tide, Pampers, and Vicks, and a homegrown portfolio: Mabroc Tea, Talawakell­e Tea, and Govi Aruna Spices & Oil ensures their dedication to enhancing the lifestyles of Sri Lankan consumers.

Krishantha Halambarac­hchige, Deputy Managing Director, highlighte­d, “Our journey at Hayleys Consumer has been built on a foundation of excellence and innovation. We have developed the most efficient distributi­on and marketing chains in the industry. These recent awards reflect our team’s dedication and hard work.”

Mr. Wasaba Jayasekara, the Managing Director of Hayleys Consumer noted, “Hayleys Consumer has made significan­t strides in operationa­l and customer excellence. The company has fully automated its supply chain, seamlessly connecting the distributi­on network, enhancing overall operationa­l efficiency and transparen­cy. Maintainin­g a zero-landfill policy and adhering to Hayleys Life Code guidelines ensures we take every measure to be more sustainabl­e.

The company focuses on enhancing

consumer satisfacti­on with ongoing product improvemen­ts, such as the relaunched Head & Shoulders brand with new 2-in-1 variants, recognized among the LMD’S Most Loved

Brands in Sri Lanka. Halambarac­hchige emphasized how these efforts align with Hayleys Consumer’s Purpose to “Continuous­ly keep Consumer Excitement Alive.”

 ?? ?? Winner - Extra Large Category - Excellence in Business & Financial Results
Winner - Extra Large Category - Excellence in Business & Financial Results
 ?? ?? Merit – Large Category
Merit – Large Category
 ?? ?? Winner – Trading Sector
Winner – Trading Sector
 ?? ?? Hayleys Consumer Managing Director Wasaba Jayasekara
Hayleys Consumer Managing Director Wasaba Jayasekara
 ?? ?? Hayleys Consumer Deputy Managing Director Krishantha Halambarac­hchige
Hayleys Consumer Deputy Managing Director Krishantha Halambarac­hchige

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